Tuesday 18 February 2014


Hi Everyone

Happy Tuesday.

I hope you have had a good day.  Mine has disappeared again super fast!

Time for a quick make though .. ..

This used:

Image:  Magenta:  "19746" Deco Vase
Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat
Backing Papers:  GCD Studios "Soul Food"
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
and whatever that black woven strip is called I have machined over LOL!!

and that is me for today.

Time for a few turns of that Cuttlebug handle now whilst catching up with a bit of TV .. .. I need lots and lots of hearts for a set of wedding invitations/order of service booklets.  

Catch you again soon.



  1. Nice car Jules excellent sewing on the thingy strip lol, keep those hearts flowing have a good evening xx

  2. Gorgeous card Jules, hope you are well and enjoying a bit of sunshine x Susan x

  3. Great card Jules, strange you have done a deco vase today and I have done a retro vase today.Fab layout and great papers.

    Kath x

  4. Great card Jules, strange you have done a deco vase today and I have done a retro vase today.Fab layout and great papers.

    Kath x

  5. Very pretty card Jules lovely image and your papers match beautifully


  6. This is a beautiful image Jules and yet again, gorgeous papers.
    Enjoy the rest of your week.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  7. This is very bold and beautiful Jules, love those papers. Carol x

  8. As always this is just gorgeous.x

  9. Gorgeous card Jules and yu've used some of that lovely trim across the middle that I've never been able to find.
    My day flew by too - as they all do.
    Beryl xx

  10. Very pretty Jules I always marvel at your neat stitching. Hope the die cutting went well, Susan xx

  11. Beautiful, love the papers, the wonderful image and great design. I really am in "awe" of your elegant style.
    Maybe your Tuesday went off early with mine!!!
    Have a great day

    Patricia xx

  12. Gorgeous card Jules, I love the image, beautiful papers and fabulous layout.
    hugs Sue xx

  13. A really pretty card Jules. Hugs x

  14. Hi Jules,
    I'm so glad that you are finding the time to squeeze in some of your fabulous cards to show us when you have got such a busy workload.
    Hope you have a fab day xx.

  15. Hi Jules, sorry Ive not been around for awhile, oh my what a beautiful card, love that image and the papers are gorgeous to. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  16. What a fun and pretty card Jules! I love the stamped image and of course you have it colored up so well! When I try to color that way, it looks all uneven and yucky, but your's looks so pretty!! I need classes or something. lol Love all your papers and embellishments and love the sewing on this card! Hugs!

  17. Pretty flowers and whatever that black thingy is, it adds wonderful contrast!

  18. Another beautiful card. Jules your work is always very lovely. I had to giggle while looking at the supplies you used...your trusty sewing machine! I'm hopeless using mine! I always admire sewing on a card. I hope the sun shines on you today and you can happily report a wonderful day!

  19. What a very pretty card Jules, lovely image and colours, hugs Kate x

  20. Hi Jules, this is beautiful, I love the papers you've used and the lovely image - gorgeous card! Carole Z X

  21. A gorgeous card Jules. Love the pretty flowers and colours.
    Lorraine x

  22. Hi Jules,
    what a very lovely creation. Beautiful papers and design used in this super creation.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  23. Wonderful! That's sewing? That's some fancy stuff. If that is a quick make, imagine the things you can do with some time?!!!

  24. A beautiful card Jules. Love the image and papers.


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx