Sunday 9 March 2014


Hi Everyone

Wow!!!  What a lovely Sunday!!

This would do me for Summer.  It doesn't need to be any warmer than this for me .. .. this would be perfect from now until the end of October!  What says you?

Lots of snippets used up this week and to make up for not taking part last Sunday (because we were at the Wedding Fayre) I have made two Christmas cards instead of one.  My Christmas card box is starting to look quite impressive for saying it is only early March!

So here are my makes:

As always on a Sunday I do not list my ingredients but if you have any questions then please ask and I will try my best to answer (no asking for the winning lottery numbers though .. .. I really can't help there).

So all of my makes are making their way to Pixie's Crafty Workshop .. .. Week 115.

and I am also entering the first card into Mrs A's Butterfly Challenge .. .. Week 2.  There was a little recipe going on there and Mrs A wanted to see "at the very least" butterfly, one bow and one button.  

.. .. and that is me for today.

Off to go and finish the evening meal off now and then tonight I have promised myself a lovely stroll around blogland to see what everyone has been up to.

Enjoy your evening.



  1. These cards are stunning, I love the stitching details. I'm also very impressed by how organised you are, I'm only just starting to think about Easter!

  2. Lovely selection of cards Jules....well done for making a head start on your Christmas you we've had some glorious sunshine makes you feel so much happier


  3. All fabulous as always Jules - the flutterby is so pretty :o)
    It's been beautiful here too all weekend - and would be great if it lasted until October lol!!!
    Hope all is well in the House of Hearts.
    Are you going to The NEC in a couple of weeks?
    Enjoy the rest of the evening.
    Debs xx

  4. Such gorgeous cards Jules. I love the images, beautiful papers and wonderful layouts too.
    We have had a lovely sunny day here too. I'm the same as you, I don't like it too hot so today was perfect. Shame it can't be like it every day!
    Hugs Sue xx

  5. Absolutely wonderful cards Jules, beautiful images and designs, and gorgeous papers, hugs Kate x

  6. Oh my Jules, these Christmas cards are just beautiful! Love the gorgeous papers and love your images. How nice to have a nice stash of Christmas cards this early in the year! Yay! Hugs!

  7. Gorgeous makes today Jules x Susan x

  8. Three very beautiful cards, Jules! And I'm ridiculously pleased with myself for finding the hearts!!

    Have a wonderful week, with lots of sunshine!

    love Mags B xx

  9. Beautiful cards, love them all.
    Weather here not good .... blow hard in my direction and it might get here soon.....LOL!!!
    Have a great week ahead

    Patricia xx

  10. What a lovely trio of creations! x

  11. Love all of today's cards especially the first one. Yes i think i could cope with all summer being like today, had a lovely bike ride with the boys xx

  12. Oh Wow! these are gorgeous Jules… I love the images, pretty papers and embellies on all the cards…. beautiful colours!! and the hedgie is oh so cute!! you are doing well with your Christmas Cards! :-))
    yes, I would love the weather to stay like this too as I don't like it too hot!! :-)
    Hope you are keeping well
    Love Sue xx

  13. Gorgeous cards Jules, love the very pretty butterfly.

    Donna x

  14. Hi Jules, I hope the fayre went well and you came home with a ton of orders. Love all your cards for different reason ... and managed to spot all the hearts too :) Wishing you a great week ahead. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  15. They are all beautiful Jules. Love the cute little butterfly on your first and I love hedgehogs so the second is a definite winner. A very stylish tree on your third.
    You are putting me to shame. I promised myself I would get well ahead with xmas cards this year and I have yet to make one!!!
    Hugs Sharon. x

  16. Once again, I've been away too long and have summarily had my head blown off, again!! Your work, Jules, is just picture perfect, time and time after time! And each one delights as much as the one before it and after it!

    I'm so happy that you are having gorgeous weather! Crossing my fingers that it lasts and last!! Hugs, Darnell

  17. Jules you make the most marvellous cards. These are fantastic - all of them.

  18. I'm seeing some really impressive butterflies in this challenge. I love this stamped butterfly and the glitz on the wings also the lovely yummy pinkness. Thank you for fluttering by #2. Hugs Mrs A. (butterfly challenge).

  19. Three wonderful cards. i love the entry for Mrs A's challenge. That is a lovely design and especially love your little heart on the tag. What a fab idea!

    The Christmas cards are so pretty. The second one is adorable and the third is stunning. Such wonderful colours and love that bow!

    Off for a catch up on your blog...

  20. Now how did I manage being first to comment? Hmm? Well, I totally agree with you on the weather staying just as it has been for our wkend round this area. Warm, sunny, not hot. Not white stuff either. All 3 of your cards are so lovely. Each blog I've enjoyed tonight, has reminded me of a stamp (NBUS) that I need to hunt up (Your PB Hedgie). I am so loving the dp on #1, and oh yes, found the sweet heart too.Of course Hedgie grabbed me right away when I saw him, but loving the DP you have behind him too, along with the tiny white heart shape hiding in the corner. #3, well that just looks so frosty, and loved the snowflakes, silver cord & the so-even stitching! Had to recheck the tree container to spot the silver-y heart. Gosh, 3 cards in one post. I'm impressed (ain't gonna happen at my house!). TFS & Hugs too.

  21. You have been busy - a fabulous selection of cards Jules! Carole Z X

  22. Three beautiful cards Jules and I am quite envious at your Christmas card stash already! Susan x

  23. Oh these are gorgeous, love the butterfly one and the Christmas ones are fab too.

  24. A gorgeous selection of cards Jules.

  25. Wonderful cards, I just love your stitched detail, it's so neat. Have a great week.

  26. Wow Jules, three fabulous cards, once again just perfect! Love the butterfly one for Mrs A's challenge, of course the hedgie ticks all the boxes and I neeeeeeed to know what the wonderful Christmas tree stamp is you used please.

    I don't know, you have such a busy life and still manage amazing makes like these three!

    Hugs, Di xx

  27. Hi Jules,
    WOW! what fabulous, scrummy, gorgeous cards!!

    I love the papers on the first card - very pretty.

    Glad you are well and hope you had a fab weekend. xx

  28. Morning Jules . . . love ALL the cards you're showing here. Cute butterfly card and 2 different Christmas cards (catching up I see!). Congrats.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  29. You have the prettiest papers and know how to use them perfectly, Jules! And your stitching adds so much to each of them! Three beauties!

  30. Hi Jules,
    what super creations. They are all so perfect. Fab designing too.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  31. I love these sweetie, absolutely gorgeous!! Huggles Pops x x x

  32. Lovely cards Jules you do so well with your snippets. I never seem to find enough to make a card on my pile

  33. What lovely cards! They are all so much fun and so pretty with their stitching and ribbon and bling. I just adore the paper you used on the first card.

  34. Beautiful selection of cards Jules.
    Sue x

  35. Hi Jules, the weather was lovely wasn't it! Your cards are all so beautiful!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  36. Three gorgeous cards Jules but the top one is my absolute fave.
    Been lovely here too yesterday and today - even got some time in the garden.
    Beryl xx

  37. Wow what a stunning collection Jules i do love your layouts and the stitching is super!!

  38. Wow the House of Hearts has been industrious! What a great set of cards Jules, Love the first one, its so pretty. The Christmas ones are wonderful too, I need to get up to scratch with mine..I promised myself..and now fell by the wayside.
    Hugs Mau xx

  39. O.K Jules I MUST know what papers that you used for your first card!! The flower one is so pretty - I NEED it! LOL!!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx