Wednesday 26 March 2014


.. .. No not me!!!

As usual I am annoyingly full of beans  .. .. .. fresh as a daisy .. .. .. and hyper-active.

But the same cannot be said for my faithful old Cuttlebug machine.

This poor chappie has been a very good and loyal friend but is now well and truly past his best and ready for a rest.  Have you ever seen such a sorry sight?

But it owes me no favours at all.  

I purchased it in November 2007 and it has been used nearly every day ever since .. .. sometimes for hours and hours on end!!!

Just look at him all held together with duct tape to stop the ends plinging off and to hold a huge crack together that seemed to appear from no-where.  Originally Mr Heart put duct tape into the opening too .. ..  .. ..  but of course the plates slowly rubbed the tape away to leave a horrible sticky mess behind  (you can't get the staff these days can you LOL!!).

So the time has come for a new model (Cuttlebug not hubby) and this has arrived on the craft desk today.

A brand new sparkly clean one.  I feel super posh now.

It doesn't seem as solid and robust as my old one but I have to admit it is very, very quiet and smooth running in comparison.

Of course I shall still keep the old one .. .. just in case .. .. but I did feel very cruel taking the new one out of the box and putting the old one in its place to store in the roof.  

So it is time to put the new one through its paces for the first time .. .. lots of cutting to do for a wedding job.

Enjoy the rest of your day.



  1. Oh, Jules, I almost spit my cereal at the computer screen when I saw your poor, duct-taped Cuttlebug!!!! LOL!! Congrats on your new one--it's gorgeous!

  2. Oh dear Jules but I think Cuttlebug mark I has well and truly earned a rest. Here's to Mark II being just as productive and with your output I'm sure it will be. I loved my C/B but changed to an embosser when my shoulder got so bad. Have a lovely crafty day! xx

  3. Hope the new model serves you as well as the last Jules. I'm the same with my old guillotine - that's held together with tape but I just can't bear to part with it (4 years since I got the new one at least). Also it's metric and the new one is imperial. I like to keep my options open.
    Beryl xx

  4. Enjoy your new machine. Sounds like the old one gave you great service.

  5. Oh! Jules I hope your Cuttlebug has gone to the same place as mine then they will company for each other.......LOL!!!!
    The new ones are good but nearly so robust!!
    What annoyed me was the lack of plates with the new one.
    Happy crafting

    Patricia xx

  6. Well Jules your old one certainly has been a good old work horse and it does look in need of a good earned rest...I can see the tears rolling down your cheek when putting your new 'boy' in its place....
    Hope your new one serves you as well as your old one...


  7. What a big difference....Enjoy your newer addition to your crafty family. LOL!

  8. RIP Jules old Cuttlebug, Luv Sam x

  9. Oh your poor old bug.....but the new one does look very nice. Sue x

  10. Well no shame to your old one Jules, it's served you well, have fun with the new one, hugs Kate x

  11. I panic about what to replace mine with when it dies but I will probably get another! x

  12. Poor thing, I love my Cuttlebug and even though I bought a Grand Calibur last year I still use my Cuttlebug more and if mine broke I would also buy another one.

    Kath x

  13. Welcome to the new addition Jules. Susan x

  14. Oh my goodness, your cuttlebug gave you lots of service!! Time to retire that little fella and I love the new replacement. I was wondering how the new one compared to the old one. Mine is still in pretty good shape, but I long for a handle to hold on to when I run things through. I hope this one holds up as well as your old stand by! Hugs

  15. I'm sure your old one is enjoying the time off. It was earned. Enjoy your new helper, I'm sure you will become fast friends.

  16. I'm sure your old one is enjoying the time off. It was earned. Enjoy your new helper, I'm sure you will become fast friends.

  17. Ahh poor cuttlebug, you are a slave driver :)

  18. Oh you do make me laugh!! xx

  19. Ha ha, thanks for sharing that! Given me a smile! x

  20. Oh what a sad sorry sight your old Cuttlebug is. Mine popped open once upon a time so I know how traumatic that is. I replaced mine with a Big Shot as I didn't think that new CB was up to the task. I hear it works good though, but I do like my BS. Oh my, I didn't really how that abbreviated. hee hee. Enjoy your new toy.


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx