Sunday 27 April 2014


Hi Everyone

I hope you are having a lovely weekend.

We have a little bit of sunshine this morning .. .. but I don't think it is going to last very long if the forecast is right  :-( 

Another busy wedding week here last week with happy couples finally "tying the knot".  Others have been collecting invitations, a few trying hard to finalise their seating plans and order of services and some only just starting out on the first steps of choosing designs and planning everything.  All exciting stuff!

A few boxes to empty now that a few recent weddings have taken place .. .. which in turn increases the snippet piles to even greater heights.  Panic!!!!!!!  LOL!!!

No snippet fest today .. .. back to my normal routine of two snippet cards which I am going to run over to Pixie's Snippet Playground Challenge with:

I am back tomorrow with my makes for Sandra's Rudolph Day Challenge  .. .. thankfully they are all ready and waiting to be shared.  My Christmas card stocks are building up very nicely.  Wish I could say the same for all the other types of cards that should be in my boxes!! Stocks are looking very depleted!  :-(

Have a lovely day today everyone .. .. I am off to put my admin and favour box making head on now. Luckily I can do both downstairs whilst watching over the Sunday dinner and chatting with the family.

I love Sundays!!!  



  1. Two beautiful makes dearie. The first one is so elegant and the second one is gorgeous - I just love heat embossing.Have a lovely Sunday dear friend.I hope you get some time for yourself soon as you are one busy lady.Hugs Debbie x

  2. So Lovely And You Can Never Be TooReady For Christmas

  3. Good afternoon Jules, two beautiful cards, but have to say the one with Irises is my favourite, just love Irises have loads in the garden and love when they are all out.
    Hazel xx

  4. Gorgeous cards Jules,fab

  5. Two lovely snippets cards Jules, great stitching and lovely colours


  6. These are gorgeous Jules. I love the images, colours and fabulous layout too.
    hugs Sue xx

  7. Gorgeous snippet makes Jules. Love the image on your first card xx

  8. I love them both! No surprise there as I always love your cards!!!
    I am really behind at the moment...trying to take my turn and help out with my Mum's care. I am so far behind visiting but hope to get a good catch up tonight!
    Sometimes blogger only lets me post a comment on one post and then freezes me out of the previous...need to take my computer in and see if it is me or blogger!!! lol

  9. Two lovelies Jules, gorgeous colours on the first and I love the white embossed bough on the second xx

  10. Hello Jules, two very lovely cards, love the iris image and your design. The Christmas card has a lovely image and love the kraft card, hugs Kate x

  11. Nice to see you back here in blogland! Two lovely cards this week :-)


  12. Hi Jules, glad those happy couples are keeping you busy! Two gorgeous cards here! Hugs Carole Z X

  13. Good evening Jules,
    Fantastic cards, love them both.
    The Christmas one is brilliant, love the colours
    Have a great week

    Patricia x

  14. Beautiful cards as Always Jules.
    Sue x

  15. Gorgeous sweetie...and I hope you had a lovely weekend too...:o)

    biggest of hugs Vicky xx

  16. Nice cards Jules good to hear from you xx

  17. What a pair of super cards, Luv Sam x

  18. It's me, Jules, coming to catch up again. I don't even have a wedding business, so I've no excuse!! I always love the visit! Your cards blow me away!

    That lilac background beauty looks like it is made of fabric card!! And the Christmas card looks like cork. So unique! I have looked for five minutes and I think you have me stumped for the heart on that one!!

    Have a great week! Hugs, Darnell

  19. Gorgeous cards as always Jules, love them both. Hope you had a lovely Sunday hun.

    Donna x

  20. Hi Jules, these are such pretty cards!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  21. Gorgeous cards Jules, love the colours!
    Helen x

  22. Lovely makes today Jules x Susan x

  23. Hello Mrs Busy Bee!! LOL!!

    Love your beautiful cards - simply gorgeous!

    Hope you had a lovely day with your family :)

  24. I love both of these Jules especially like those pink Petticoat papers

  25. Two beautiful card, fabulous images and gorgeous colours. Stunning actually.
    By the way I loads of small red hearts for sale if you are interested lol.

    Kath x

  26. Both great cards. Probably looking straight at it but you've got me on the second cards heart!!
    hugs Mrs A.

  27. Two amazing creations Jules, loving your choice of colors and beautiful stamping!

  28. Absolutely beautiful cards Jules! So funny, I was playing with a wrecked ' huff and puff' coloured image of those irises only yesterday. Yours are perfect!

    Hugs, Di xx

  29. Wahooo - lovely snippets makes as usual Jules.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  30. Lovely cards Jules, fabulous image and pretty colours on the first one.

  31. Lovely cards. Really love the irises so thanks for sharing at the Playground

  32. Oh my Jules, both of these cards are just gorgeous! I love the papers you used on these two cards, but then again I always love the papers you use!! The wedding world must be very exciting and how fun to be in on it! I can't even imagine all the excitement and fun as I never had a big wedding but know from others how fun it can be. Hugs

  33. wow just gorgeous as usual!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx