Monday 26 May 2014


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all had a great bank holiday weekend.

Ours was wonderful.

We left home on Friday afternoon to go and stay with some very special friends .. .. only to hit lots and lots of traffic and not arrive until around 9.00pm!!

But we managed to head back in record time today!!  In fact we were home in time to see our other local team play at Wembley .. .. and sadly they lost too!!!  So no promotion for either of our local teams this year after all their hard work :-(

Oh well .. .. perhaps next year!

I did quite a lot of colouring whilst we were away and made up two card this evening ready for sharing .. .. but I can't find the memory card for my camera anywhere to take some pictures!!  Grrrr!!!

I have looked in all the usual places (there are about 6 of them where it normally turns up when I have misplaced it) .. .. but I haven't found it in any of them.

Clearly in my rush to leave on Friday I have put it somewhere stupid!

Perhaps when I have the much needed major clear up in the craft pod tomorrow it will show itself. In fact it is probably staring me in the face somewhere!!!

Catch you again tomorrow .. .. hopefully with pictures attached to my post!



  1. He! He! Glad you had a good weekend and hope you find that sd card! Carole Z X

  2. Hi Jules pleased you had a good time, I hope you find your memory card, hugs Kate X

  3. Good evening Jules,
    Glad you had a good weekend apart from loosing the Memory Card.
    Never mind it will turn up when you are looking for the Marmalade for the toast in the morning or something else as silly. You might even open that drawer you have opened a hundred times today and it will be there staring you in the face.
    Happy hunting

    Patricia xx

  4. Sounds familiar Jules, when the washing up liquid went missing I found it among the tomato sauce and other assorted condiments in a cupboard on the other side of the kitchen!! Look forward to seeing your creations though...when the elusive card turns up!! xx

  5. Hi Jules hope you have found it now! I don't like to say this but we were supporting Fleetwood as my husband used to play for them and still goes to see them!! Cod Army Cod Army Cod Army!!! Sorry lol xxx

  6. I so sympathise, Jules (and I'm glad to see that the memory card turned up!) I am always putting things down 'in a safe place' - it's usually fatal!!!

    I'm glad you had a good weekend, in spite of the traffic and the disappointing result at Wembley. Just think - another fortnight or so and we can all be disappointed at how England do in the World Cup!!!!! ;)

    love Mags B x

  7. Oh no, I hope you find it Jules! I have misplaced my memory card to a time or two and boy I can get pretty panicky when I do things like that. lol I always pray to St. Anthony and he always comes through for me! I hope you find the memory card Jules!! Hugs, Brenda


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx