Sunday 29 June 2014


Hi Everyone

I hope you have had a good weekend.

Running very late here in the House of Hearts .. .. busy, busy day and not enough done for me to say it has been a successful day .. .. but never mind.  Tomorrow is another day.

So two creations for taking over to Pixie's Snippet Playground Challenge:

Just in time to say it is Sunday so I am lazy and not listing my ingredients .. .. but only just!!

Best link up quick!!

Hope the coming week is a good one for everyone.



  1. Hi Jules
    Two fabulous card.... Love both as much... Think i have found the hearts on the Second
    Huggs Sylvie xx

  2. Two gorgeous cards and lovely the first one and maybe later you will list where it's from...cheers, ♥aNNie The Journey is the Start

  3. More strawberry blooms I see. I've had a "play" at last, aren't they fab??!! Anyway, LOVE the wheelbarrow stamp on the first one and the mix of hearts on the second is great!! Have a good week xx

  4. Hi Jules, had a bit of a 'fraught' weekend and just catching up..two fab cards here, love the wheelbarrow! Hugs Carole Z X

  5. These are just gorgeous

  6. Oh! My! Word! Jules, these are so beautiful, I love them.
    Love what you have done with the "hearts".
    I made a card last week using your "circle" technique.
    If I use it on my Blog I will mention where I got the idea.
    Thank you for the inspiration
    Have a great day

    Patricia xx

  7. These are both gorgeous Jules, I love the second one - perfect sentiment for the heart design.

  8. Good Monday Morning Jules, two fab cards, lovely floral one with that little flower filled wheelbarrow, gorgeous colours. Your Christmas one is just beautiful, I love the papers and colours, hugs Kate x

  9. Such pretty snippets, love the first one xx

  10. Oooo both are super and so different too and i recognize one of those heart papers - DCWV/ Linen Closet ??, Luv Sam x

  11. Beautiful! I confess I have just bought the fabulous Pink Petticoat papers you used in your first card.

    I can resist everything except temptation!

    Have a good week!

    love Mags B x

  12. Beautiful cards Jules,loving the papers.
    Hugs Jacee

  13. Hi Jules,
    yet again two fabulous cards - love all of those hearts!!

    I see you have put your most recent PP paper to very good use!!

    Hope you have a lovely week and stop beating yourself up for not completing your humongous 'to do' list!! LOL! xx

  14. Hi Jules, lovely cards, particularly like the hearts one!
    Debs x

  15. Ooh these are SO pretty Jules… I love the image on first card and your colouring is beautiful. Gorgeous papers and embellies on both! :-)
    Hope you have a good week!
    Love Sue xx
    p.s. sorry if this message comes up twice... Mr Blogger is really playing up today.

  16. Two lovely cards, the wheelbarrow is a fave, just made 2 birthday cards with that image :-)


  17. Some more lovely snippets Jules I like the Christmas hearts lovely way to use up snippets

  18. Two gorgeous card Jules. I love the pretty girlie papers on the top one and all the hearts on the second.
    Lorraine x

  19. Two very lovely makes Jules - I didn't have any trouble spotting the heart on the Christmas card, LOL. xx

  20. Two gorgeous cards, especially love the first card.

    Kath x

  21. Well mrs heart the heart card is lovely x

  22. ooh love the Christmas hearts. I see you succumbed to the Pink Petticoat release - nice makes with it.

  23. Jules. These two cards are beautiful. Great use of your hearts just love everything you have done. Hazel xx

  24. Oh wow Jules, I adore both of these snippets cards! Stunning designs as always - I think the Christmas one wins just by a whisker as I do so love those hearts.

    Hugs, Di xx

  25. Beautiful matching papers to the image, great colours too!

  26. I really love the christmas hearts too, perfect for you!

  27. Just catching up here, Jules! I love these two cards. The pink one is gorgeous and girly and so serene with those flowers. And the Christmas one is so festive and fun!

  28. Both of these cards are stunning. As always you have picked the most perfect papers for both of them. I love how you can take a whimsical stamp and make it look so elegant! Hugs, Brenda

  29. Love these both. They are so different. The first one scream happiness and springtime to me. Love the scrumptious colors and papers. The second cards has such a lovely vintage feel to it. I love that it is a Christmas card but not at all traditional. Wonderful!

  30. Two beautiful cards, I love the pink colours in the first one and the hearts on the second are stunning. A fabulous use of snippets.
    Jean x

  31. Two more wonderful cards Jules.
    I just LOVE that first one. Something about those pretty papers and sweet image!...just lovely!

  32. Playing catch-up!
    Love these 2 beautiful cards Jules.

    Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  33. So loving both of these pretties, but that heart card...WOW. It was you, perfectly! Loved the quilted effect with the different papers too. TFS & Hugs


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx