Thursday 26 June 2014


Hi Everyone

I hope your Thursday has been good.  

Mine has been super busy ..  .. but still time for a little share.

When I was linking up the Pink Petticoat papers for the card I shared on Tuesday I had a very pleasant surprise when I saw there was a new paper pack release .. and how gorgeous and beautiful it was.  I downloaded it instantly and printed off all the papers in the collection first thing yesterday morning .. .. I drooled over them for a while but sadly had to put them to one side until there was time to put them to good use.

I picked my favourite tonight and then decided it was too lovely to cover up ..  .. so I have gone for a card that left the majority of the paper on view:

This used:

Image:  Pink Petticoat "Strawberry Blooms Pattern Paper Pack"
Sentiment:  Computer Generated
Woodware Punch:  Heart
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Lace from my Stash Box

Isn't it super scrummy!?!?!  I would love my bedroom walls wallpapered in this pattern with a quilt cover and matching pillow cases . .. .. but I would draw the line at bedroom curtains .. .. I think that might be "overkill".

But this is only one of the papers .. .. there are others I could use for the curtains LOL!!!

Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.



  1. Hi Jules,
    I downloaded my scrummy papers today but haven't had a chance to play yet :(
    I agree they are beautiful and I HAD to have them!!
    Your card shows them off perfectly.
    Hope you are having a good week.xx

  2. I can see why you loved these papers Jules they are gorgeous a beautiful card


  3. Gorgeous card Jules. I agree, that papers deserves to centre of attention and your design showcases it perfectly.
    hugs Sue xx

  4. That paper is beautiful! Can't beat the water colour effect, it's the latest thing! ^_^ Your card is clean and wonderful as always! ^_^

  5. These papers are gorgeous Jules and make such a beautiful card.

  6. Gorgeous Jules,love the added lace to it....

  7. Oh Jules...I love this beautiful paper too!
    Love that your design has let the paper sing.

  8. Jules this is right up my ally, lovely papers and yes I am going to get them as well, looks like they print up beautifully and just love the strip of lace across this gorgeous colour looks amazing..
    thanks also for joining my blog and I hope you also joined in my candy...glad I found you...
    The Journey is the Start

  9. Hi Jules how fabulous, love the little touch of pretty lace and your brilliant stitching. I'm with you on the curtains, funnily enough I was looking for hot pink curtains for my bedroom on Wednesday - settled for Eau de Nil!!!! Susan xx

  10. Jules I can see why you fell in love with this it's gorgeous, you were so right to show the paper off and not hide it. Hazel x

  11. Yup, I did the very same Jules, just waiting for the opportunity to use these lovely papers...aren't the strawberries fab, that would be the curtains then!!? Your anniversary card is fab, the touch of lace perfect!! xx

  12. OOh Jules, I am so behind checking my emails that I had missed the release of these gorgeous papers! Your card really shows them off too...beautiful! Have a good weekend, hugs Carole Z X

  13. Hi Jules
    Fabulous colours .... Stunning....
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  14. Yes Jules gorgeous papers,I got mine too.Stunning

  15. Hi Jules, you are quite right this is a gorgeous paper and your card is beauitful, hugs Kate x

  16. Oh! My! Word! What a stunning creation, that paper is so, so beautiful, I LOVE it
    Have a great weekend

    Patricia xx

  17. Gorgeous card Jules : )) And I'm very happy you like your new papers.

  18. Gorgeous card Jules : )) And I'm very happy you like your new papers.

  19. Beautiful paper and such a pretty card.
    Lorraine x

  20. This is a beauty Jules.this backing paper is so pretty.Really elegant and stylish card dearie.Hope you're well.Trying to catch up with some commenting after being away.Have a lovely weekend.Hugs x

  21. Beautiful papers and a beautiful card created from them well done Jules xx

  22. Oh Jules this is so beautiful! i was looking at these papers today they are so lovely!!

  23. Gorgeous Jules and I agree that the paper is too nice to cover up.

  24. Love this Jules just off to PP to look at collection

  25. Loooove that paper!! I can see a whole bedroom done up in it! And I love the sentiment and all the stitching too!

  26. Stunningly beautiful!!! I love that you didn't cover this paper up because it is stunning paper Jules. I also love how you placed your sentiment on the beautiful lace-love the sewing! Hugs, Brenda

  27. It is the bestest, most awesomest paper for sure! You used a snippet of it on a later card and I thought it was the bestest and most awesomest then. As lovely as it is I'd have to pass on having it in the bedroom. It might give hubby "the vapors."


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx