Saturday 19 July 2014


Hi Everyone

Happy Saturday!!

What is your weather like?

We were woken up very abruptly at 5.30am by an almighty thunder clap .. .. so loud we thought it was a cannon going off somewhere! Just the one episode thank goodness .. .. and then rain pretty much ever since!

The lawns will definitely be happy as they were well ready for a good old drink!!!

No scheduled post today .. .. but a card I made this morning using the sketch from the Sketch Saturday Challenge.  I think I am becoming addicted to sketches!!  

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "3864F" Bohemian
Sentient:  Digistamp Boutique "Essential Sentiments Set"
Backing Papers:  First Edition Papers "Blank Canvas"
Spellbinder Nestabilities:  Classic Circle and Scalloped Circle
Woodware Punches:  Daisy
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
My Trusty Sewing Machine (although it isn't quite so trusty this week .. .. the light keeps playing up on it)
Leone Em Pty Punch:  Ash Branch
Glossy Accents
Distress Ink Pad:  Crushed Olive
Brad and Ribbon from My Crafty Stash Box

and here is the sketch if you fancy playing along:

Hubby is just making a bacon, onion and mushroom sandwich .. .. yummy, yummy I can smell it from here .. .. so I am off to feed my face and then play with a few more bits of paper.

I love rainy days as you don't feel guilty for staying indoors!!  LOL!!

Have a great weekend everyone.



  1. My poor lawn needs a good ole drink too. lol Love this beautiful card Jules. The papers are just gorgeous as is that butterfly!!! I love sketches too as it takes a lot of thinking out of making a card or layout. lol Hugs, Brenda

  2. A stunning card, love everything you have done on it.
    With me, rain on and I find it hard to get my Mogo working and it is pouring rain here!!!
    Have a great weekend

    Patricia x

  3. I love this card Jules. Beautiful papers and such a cute butterfly.

  4. Hi Julies, Your card is a beautiful interpretation of the sketch, love colours and the butterfly is gorgeous. I love rainy days too for exactly the same reason:) The storm has only just reached us up here. After a morning of spits and spots it has just started to rain heavily and chased me in from the garden - which is going to love this unscheduled watering :) Hope you and yours are all well. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  5. Like you Jules we've had thunder and lightening again down here in Somerset, we lost our electric for a while but we are back on now...
    Very pretty card, love your gorgeous papers and your paper pieced butterfly...enjoy the rest of your weekend


  6. What lovely, lovely papers Jules and a super butterfly too, a great card all in all!! The thunder has been rumbling around for about twelve hours now and has just about stopped...very scary indeed!! xx

  7. This is a fabulous card Jules, I love your pretty papers and beautiful butterfly.

  8. Very pretty card Jules! love the papers, the butterfly and your stitching!

  9. This is just gorgeous Jules,fab image and

  10. This is gorgeous Jules, love the butterfly and pretty papers and fab layout too...will have to try and find time to plan along to with that sketch.
    Your sandwich sounds yummy, feeling hungry now.
    Wendy xx

  11. Gorgeous card, Jules! Love the colour combo and that butterfly is gorgeous! Thought we were going to be swept off the hill by the deluge half an hour ago. all the patched potholes on our road have come out too :(

  12. This is so pretty Jules. I love the butterfly and gorgeous papers.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend
    Lorraine x

  13. This is gorgeous Jules and love the sketch. A beautiful butterfly and papers.
    I ventured out once today. Just as I stepped out of the car the heavens opened and I got drenched. I hate walking in soggy shoes!!!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Hugs Sharon x

  14. Lovely soft 'gentle' card Jules, I really like this one, the flower just finishes it off a treat.
    Hugs Jacee

    Had loads of rain here too, no thunder, not that I heard anyway.
    'Snap'.... that lovely sandwich, it's more or less what we've just had for tea!
    great minds think a like LOL

  15. Such a beautiful card Jules. I love the pretty butterfly and gorgeous papers.
    Hugs Sue xx

  16. Jules love this card, your layout and colour combo are fab. Hazel xx

  17. So, so pretty Jules!
    Helen x

  18. Lovely card Jules been hot here no rain x

  19. So gorgeous Jules, enjoy the rest of the weekend. Sue x

  20. Oh Jules I love this Bohemian style card those papers and the design look wonderful
    lorraine x

  21. Beautiful! Love the image and the fabulous take on that sketch.

    The papers you chose are so very pretty too!

  22. Just to say...well I woke in similar circumstances this morning in the Alps, the rain has drifted off for now and we are due to go and see some chainsaw carving but I'm sure we won't see any pretty butterflies like the one your card:-). Enjoy the rest of the w/end.


  23. Awww this is so elegant Jules, and so pretty, love the soft colors and lovely butterfly. Wishing you a lovely Sunday xxx

  24. I love these beautiful colours Jules! Just gorgeous! Sweet butterfly and love the layout, how you used the sketch!

  25. I love these beautiful colours Jules! Just gorgeous! Sweet butterfly and love the layout, how you used the sketch!

  26. Beautiful card Jules. Love the image and the gorgeous papers.

  27. Thunderstorms are always exciting here, the lightning tends to march along the Lea River, which is only half a mile away! 'Thunderbolt and lightning! Very very frightening thing!' as Queen sang in... Bohemian Rhapsody!

    (Did you see what I did there?! Lol!)

    Seriously, this is another lovely card, such pretty colours!

    love Mags B x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx