Friday 8 August 2014


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday!

I hope you have had a good day.

Our garden adventure has continued .. .. all week .. .. sigh!!! 

It is going to take ages to complete our rather ambitious project.  I can't believe we thought we would be able to complete the mission in a week and perhaps have a day away somewhere?!?!  LOL!!!

All was going well to plan until I saw a tiny little root poking up in the middle of the patio.  It was the finest little root you could imagine .. .. but it had to come out.  So I lifted the piece of slab it was nestling under .. .. and you have guessed it .. .. I then had to lift the next and the next .. .. and the saga continued all across the patio .. .. but of course as we progressed across the patio the root got thicker and thicker and thicker and deeper and deeper down.  We won in the end but it took ages!!!  That was Thursday's sketch!!

Then this morning the same happened again in the opposite direction but we sorted that one much quicker!  

I did get to do my first bit of "pointing up" . .. . .. all I will say is I am better with embossing paste and a palette knife than I am with mortar and a trowel!!  

Of course hubby said I had done a good job (but I think that was only because he wants me to do some more).  In fairness it did look better this morning than it did last night!!

But my fingers were so itchy to do a bit of crafting that I just had to make something tonight .. .. and this is what I came up with for taking over to the Penny Black Saturday Challenge where the theme this month is "Floral Fantasy".  There is also a DT call there too if anyone is interested.

So here we go:

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "3344J" Rosy!
Sentiment:  Computer Generated using font "Zipty Doo"
Backing Papers:  Pink Petticoat (sadly no longer available)
My Favorite Things:  Die-namics Blueprints 14
Ribbon and thread from My Crafty Stash Box

and that is me for today.

Hubby has just finished cooking the fish and chip supper so that is good timing.  Off to link up quickly before it arrives!

Not sure what tomorrow holds yet .. .. but fingers crossed it involves crossing some things off my crafty list that has more than tripled over the course of this week!!!

Enjoy your weekend everyone.



  1. Totally gorgeous card Jules, just love teh colours.

    Kath x

  2. This is gorgeous Jules. I love the image, pretty paper and beautiful flower.
    Hope you have a good weekend.
    hugs Sue xx

  3. Hi Jules, I've just been catching up on your posts and that's one heckuvva job you and Mr Heart have taken on. I'm rather taken with your crazy paving ... I wonder if I can persuade the EM that we need one too. Oh, and yes, you need to be in it to win it, but then I think I could be in it forever and never win enough to build a lovely big craft cave at the bottom of the garden so I think we will both have to just keep dreaming :) :) By the way, your card is beautiful - gorgeous paper and fab flower. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  4. Hi Jules...your week sounds like fun lol. Your card is beautiful, love the cute hedgie and pretty paper. Carol x

  5. I love how your background paper so perfectly matches the flowers! Or is it vice versa? This is delightful, Jules! Your garden work sounds grueling! Hope you are finished soon. You'll deserve a good rest!

  6. This is a beautiful card Jules, I love your image and gorgeous papers and colours.

  7. It looks like that you had a very busy day today, Jules! Love your card. Nearly couldn't find the heart or hearts today! (How can I miss a row of them?? Hee hee! ^_^)

  8. Awww...this is so sweet! Love the pretty colours and the image is darling!

  9. OOOO Yummo! love this card Jules, adore Penny Black... and did smile at the garden scenario always the way things take longer than you think and let me share a well known fact... the older you get the longer it takes too :D Shaz in Oz.x

  10. Hi Jules what a lovely card, that is one adorable hedge but hope he doesn't drop too many of those flowers! Good luck with your DIY and I hope you get some crafty time too!! Susan x

  11. Good morning Jules,
    Love this beautiful card, stunning colours and design
    Have a great weekend

    Patricia x

  12. Oh dear those dreaded weeds and roots, never mind keep telling yourself it'll we worth it in the end! Gorgeous card, love the colours, hugs Carole Z X

  13. Adorable and gorgeous, with perfect colours and sweet image.

  14. This is so pretty Jules. I love the cute hedgy and gorgeous papers.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Lorraine x

  15. A beautiful card Jules, such pretty colours. Those triffids under paving can be devils!! xx

  16. This is just gorgeous Jules, fabulous papers and

  17. Lovely card Jules, sweet image and I love the papers.
    Hugs Jacee.
    You really are having a good old time in that garden, keep the end result in your mind, it will be worth all the hard work in the end.

  18. Absolutely gorgeous card Jules, very pretty colours and super colouring.

    May I ask how you take your photos? They are great.

    Warm hugs

  19. Such a gorgeous card the little hedgie and your gorgeous papers


  20. What gorgeous colours, and how cute is the little hedgie?!

    I hope your stint as a Landscape Architect is going well this weekend, with no more horrible roots! :)

    love Mags B x

  21. I love the happy colors on this one--and the adorable hedgie, as always!! I hope you find time to enjoy your weekend!

  22. Wonderful card Jules. Fab image. Love the colours x

  23. Jules i just adore the hedgie and of course your card it's just gorgeous as always!!! ps, i did some weeding today and just like you it overtook me lol!!!!! i am shattered now!

  24. Lovely floral card, look after your hands while doing all this cement work! xx

  25. Oh Jules this is fantastic. I love it.

  26. Gorgeous card Jules. Sweet image and love the papers and colours.

  27. Ooh this is gorgeous Jules… such a sweet image and your colouring is beautiful - it matches the pretty paper perfectly! I love the scrummy flower!
    Hope you haven't found anything else under the patio! it sounds a mammoth task getting that root out!
    Hope you're having a good weekend!
    Love Sue xx

  28. so gorgeous jules.adorable sweet hedgie and i love your paper ;D

    xx coops xx

  29. Oh I absolutely adore this gorgeous card! Fabulous colours, and a hedgie! :D squee!

  30. Every DIY projects ends up being more involved than first anticipated Jules, lol just ask me how I know! I'm sure the patio is going to look amazing and it just goes to show that you and hubby are doing it right and that's why it is taking longer. Now on your adorable card-omgosh it is just so cute!! I love that wonderful flower paper and the image is just too sweet! Do you have a stamp or did you use the computer for your sentiment? Love, love it! And I love how you colored this little hegie and his flowers/pot. Can't wait to see the patio all done!! Hugs, Brenda

  31. Fabulous card - love the bold colours!
    Thanks for playing at the Penny Black Saturday Challenge!
    Helen x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx