Thursday 21 August 2014


Hi Everyone

Happy Thursday

Just calling by in the hope that everyone is having a good week.

Mine is going really well (and fast as normal)  .. .. but unfortunately doesn't involve spending anytime in blogland :-(

But by this time next week everything should be back on a more even keel as lots of deadlines will have been met, and lots of missions will have been crossed off that work list .. .. yay!!

I certainly hope the weather is going to be sorting itself out ready for these August/September brides.  Every morning as I look at the temperature first thing it is half a degree less than the morning before!!!  Eeekk!!  At this rate the heating will be on again before we know it!!

I am still working in just about every room of the house with different projects in different rooms .. .. some which I can only work on gradually as wedding plans and guest changes make an appearance and some which are nearly finished and ready to be distributed to places new.

What I do know though is no matter how big a room I work in I always end up running out of space!!  I wonder how big a room has to be before it would be classed as "just the right size"?

But soon I should be able to have a good old tidy up everywhere and let the kitchen and dining room be used for what they should be used for .. .. well for a little while anyway LOL!!

Never a dull moment in my life.

I never thought I would see the day when I would be as excited about doing some housework as I am about my crafty exploits! LOL!!

Enjoy your day everyone.

Missing your lovely blogs!!



  1. And there was me thinking you'd sloped of to the Caribbean on the yacht!! Missed the teeny tiny Tuesdays!! xx

  2. You enjoy your day Mrs and don't over do

  3. hi Jules thanks for popping by, i have had a week from hell with work deadlines doing new brochure and website. only good thing is i am off to Mallorca, brothers 50th party next week cant wait sun and sitting by the pool. hope you have a lovely weekend xx

  4. Missing you too Jules, all the best and take care, hugs Carole Z X

  5. Sounds like you are super busy with life Jules. I wish I knew what size a room had to be to be the perfect size. lol I think we all tend to spread out whenever we can. What's that old saying?? Give them an inch and they will take a mile. lol True at times. Hope you are able to get crafty again soon, I miss those teeny tiny tuesday cards. Hugs, Brenda

  6. Glad your OK!
    Missing your beautiful creations.
    Remember to take a breath!!

    Patricia xx

  7. I am very worried to read that you may be getting excited about housework!! x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx