Saturday 27 September 2014


Hi Everyone

Happy Saturday .. .. I hope your weekend has got off to a good start.

We were promised BBQ weather here today!!  I just hope folks didn't rush out to buy supplies because I certainly wouldn't have wanted a BBQ in our garden today .. .. I would have had to wear too many layers LOL!!!

So as promised here is my favourite butterfly from the butterfly farm we visited in Stratford-upon-Avon .. ..the Glasswing Butterfly

 Isn't it just gorgeous?  It looked so small and delicate.

There were other sections to visit with spiders, snails, millipedes etc .. .. but they just didn't appeal to us .. .. especially as some of them were described as "giant millipedes" (a small one is bad enough) .. .. so we gave those a miss !!!  LOL!!

I was hoping to have had a card to post alongside my butterfly photograph today but instead I decided to catch up on the dreaded washing and put away all the crafty stuff I had simply stacked into boxes as we fled the house. 

Enjoy the rest of your evening and have a great Sunday.

Catch you tomorrow with my snippets.



  1. Hi Jules, what a gorgeous butterfly i have never seen one of those before,
    just popped over to catch up with your latest gorgeous makes!! x

  2. Oh Jules, that butterfly really is just divine! Nature at its best :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  3. Gorgeous pic Jules, what a very beautiful butterfly.

    Dona x

  4. Oh Wow! what a beautiful butterfly Jules… so delicate and pretty… you can see through the wings… which gives a lovely stained glass effect… stunning!! :-)
    Ooh no, I wouldn't be having a BBQ here either… more like snuggling up with a mug of cocoa!! Lol
    Have a great weekend!
    Love Sue xx

  5. It is gorgeous.
    Five years ago we went into the Butterfly section at Sydney Zoo, it was a very large room and they were just flying around all over the place, even came and landed on you and they were all stunning, colours were amaising. This is the reason I no longer like Butterflies on cards as the majority of the images are pretty poor.

    Kath x

    PS I have been frozen here today too.

  6. Jules I can see why you love this little beauty, I have never seen one of thses before. Like you I would have avoided the other creatures too. Hazel x

  7. Beautiful butterfly and seeing the bush (lantana) reminds me of the very large hedge of it that we had in Libya.
    We didn't get BBQ weather here either, well, we fired up the electric one & cooked some sausages at lunchtime but it was definitely on the cool side :-)

    Happy w/e


  8. Hi Jules, what a stunning picture - that's one beautiful butterfly.
    Glad you had a great time in Stratford upon Avon.
    Avril xx

  9. Thank you for sharing such beautiful photo Jules, nature is wonderful.
    I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    hugs Sue xx

  10. Wow Jules, that's a fabulous photo and a gorgeous butterfly. I always end up with a steamed up camera at butterfly farms! Carol x

  11. Oh! My! Word! Jules,
    First glance I thought you had made the Butterfly from Acetate to give is an idea of what you had seen...........!!
    Thank you for sharing this amazing little creature.
    Glad you and Mr Hart are well and enjoying some time together.
    Have a great day

    Patricia xxx

  12. How beautiful is that butterfly Jules....... stunningly gorgeous. I adore butterflies and love visiting the butterfly house in Chester Zoo, I could stay in there all day. Thanks for sharing your picture. Sue x

  13. certainly a stunner in the butterfly world so pleased you had a nice break xx

  14. That is a real beauty Jules, it looks incredibly delicate xx

  15. Oh goodness Jules, this is amazing, so beautiful..I've been to a lot of butterfly worlds but never seen one of these! I have missed so much on your blog this week...apologies, we've been having a kitchen fitted and not much time for craft or blogging, but as always your creations are fabulous! Hugs Carole Z X

  16. What a beautiful photo Jules - love it!

  17. What a gorgeous butterfly, Jules. It almost doesn't look real ... more like something we could stamp and die-cut from acetate! Many thanks for sharing your fab photo. Elizabeth xx

  18. Hi Jules, this little creature is magnificent, I've never seen a butterfly like this before, so thank you for sharing your photo.
    Sounds like you had a super time, hugs Kate x

  19. Oh my, yes this butterfly is just gorgeous Jules. How fun that you got to see these beauties. Not sure why you didn't want to see the spiders and giant millipedes though. LOL Hugs, Brenda

  20. It's lovely Jules, never seen one of those before, as you say, so delicate, it dosn't look real does it, I can't do with things flying around me so I wouldn't go in one of those places, I'll just wait outside as I have done on several occasions whilst DH takes the grand kids in, what am I like!! duh!
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx