Friday 5 September 2014


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday .. .. ahead of what I hope will be a happy weekend for everyone.

No card to share tonight as everything I have made today isn't for posting as it will spoil surprises.

But I do have a picture of a little gift from Mr Heart that was sitting on the chair in my craft pod as I returned from my Mum's this evening .. .. how did he know that was the first place I would go as I came home?!?!?!?

How lovely!!  My own little set of heart shaped post-it notes.

Of course I said my thank you's .. .. over and over .. .. how nice to be thought of whilst he was out and about.

Apparently they cost a whole 18p!

Just goes to show it is the thought that counts .. .. not the cost.  

I have always been a cheap date!!  LOL!!

Catch you tomorrow.



  1. hi Jules
    what a lovely and happy post and i love the card with image from your previous post.
    your images are always daling.
    have a nice weekend and hugs to you.

  2. As you say Jules it's the thought that counts not the cost. I love getting little gifts like this!!! No reason behind the giving apart from just " I thought you would like it ". Best presents ever. Hazel xx

  3. What a lovely Hubby. So cute, the hearts not the OH, though you may think he's cute too !

  4. Awwww!!! Jules that is just sooooo!!! Sweet, love It.
    Personally I really appreciate wee gifts like that. Let's you know they do still think about us ALL the time.
    Have a wonderful weekend

    Patricia xx

  5. What a darling Mr Heart is!! xx

  6. Ahhh very sweet of him. My hubby arrived home from shopping today with a gorgeous bunch of freesias. Like you say it's the thought that definitely counts x

  7. How lovely of your hubby, and a lovely surprise, hugs Kate x

  8. Ahh how sweet of him.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  9. What a lovely hubby you have and yes, it is the thought that counts!
    Kath x

  10. Sooooooo romantic! My hubby came home with a bunch of red roses for me yesterday but I have spent the last few weeks moaning that he never buys me flowers anymore!!! Heart post it notes - how very sweet xxx

  11. Isn't he lovely - so romantic.

  12. Very thoughtful of your lovely hubbie Jules!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx