Sunday 14 September 2014


Hi Everyone

I hope you have had a good weekend.  

Mine was fabby and flew by so fast .. .. but then I knew it would because it always does when I have all my lovely family together.

Everyone has gone again now and I need to hurry up and get my snippets posted and linked up to Pixie's Snippets Playground before Sunday disappears.

So here they are:

As it is Sunday I am lazy and do not list my ingredients but if there is anything you would like to know then ask away and I will try my best to answer.

Catch you again soon.



  1. Two super cards the bright zingy colours of the first and particularly like the sentiment stamp on the second. Carol x

  2. Love the christmas card and i am starting to allow you to post them now as its now creeping up on us xx

  3. Brilliant makes as always, love them both.
    Glad you had a Fab. weekend. It's always great when you have a "family get together"
    The bed can go under the crafty goodies again!!!
    Happy crafting

    Patricia xx

  4. These are gorgeous Jules. I especially like the way you have arranged the sequins on your Christmas card.
    I am pleased you had a good weekend with your family.
    hugs Sue xx

  5. Two lovely cards Jules. So pleased you had a lovely time with your family, its wonderful when you are all together isn't it? Susan x

  6. Two lovely creations Jules. Great use of your snippets.

  7. Two fabulous cards as usual Jules, great use of those snippets. I also love Fridays card. Blogger still playing up where reading list is concerned. Have a good day.
    Hazel xx

  8. HI Jules, two super the swirly background on the first one, hugs Carole Z X

  9. Two gorgeous cards. Love the designs and colours.
    Lorraine x

  10. Ooh these are gorgeous Jules… very pretty colour combos on both… love the wonderful symmetry on the first card and the fab sparkly baubles on the second are gorgeous!
    Glad you had a great weekend!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx

  11. Both cards are just beautiful Jules! I love the shapes in the first one along with the beautiful papers and the hand drawn stitches. Your Christmas card is just beautiful. I love the pine branches with the ornaments hanging down and the bling on the branches. Just so beautiful! Glad you had a wonderful weekend with your family. The weekends always go way to fast especially when our family is all together. Hugs, Brenda

  12. Hi Jules, I'm glad you had a good family weekend. Your cards are both fabulous but my favourite this week is the christmas one. I love the design and colour scheme, and the coloured sequins look great.
    Jean x

  13. Hi Jules two very beautiful cards, lovely designs and gorgeous colours, hugs Kate x

  14. Oooo am especially loving your Xmas card, as it's classy, Luv Sam x

  15. Once again, your snippet cards are amazing!! I love all the fun layers and all the sparklies on the second one--lovely!

  16. Great cards Jules, pleased you had a good weekend with your family.
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  17. More lovely snippet makes to enjoy! Glad you had a great weekend. My London kids gone back too and house quiet again unfortunately. Have a good evening. x

  18. Gorgeous cards Jules, I love the sparkle behind the christmas decorations, great idea to put them on a pine branch too.
    (I just saw the pic in your side bar of the little girl who looks excited when her sister is coming over, LOVE it!) Cathy x

  19. Two fabulous cards Jules - love the colours on your first one, fresh and bright. And the baubles are beautiful - don't sequins add that special something as well :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  20. These are really fun !! Hugs Juls xx

  21. Beautiful snippets cards, Jules!! I really love the sparkly baubles hanging from the Christmas trees!! Hugs, Darnell

  22. Hi Jules

    Two more stunners here. Top marks for keeping your NYR still.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  23. Hi Jules, two super snippet cards but you did make it difficult for me to spot the heart on the first ... I had to stare at it for ages before I located it :) Glad to see you had a great weekend with your family. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  24. Two gorgeous cards Jules you have designed them so beautifully
    lorraine x

  25. Such beautiful cards Jules, super use of the snippets.

    Warm hugs


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx