Saturday 29 November 2014


Hi Everyone

I hope you are having a lovely weekend.

The London Kids are well excited.  They picked their keys up from the estate agent today and from there were going to stock up on decorating supplies and begin the "makeover".  They have some good friends helping them so the phrase "many hands make light work" will hopefully prove true.  

They sent me a message to say they had got the keys in their hands and surprise, surprise, the estate agent had also given them a bottle to use for celebration purposes! I thought that was a lovely touch.  That has certainly never happened to us and we have moved house a few times!!

Christmas is the order of the weekend here, so here is a little make which uses another pre-owned Ebay purchase that dropped through my letter box yesterday:

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "4014K" Hand-mailed
Sentiment:  Computer generated using fonts "Georgia" and "Hobson"
Backing Papers:  First Edition "Vintage Noel"
Martha Stewart Punch:  Traditional Scallop
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
X-Cut:  Corner Rounding Punch
ProMarkers and chalk
Diamond Stickles
Glamour Dust
Snowflakes from the snowflake box
Ribbon, holly berries, cord and eyelet from my crafty stash box

My creation is also for entering into the Penny Black Saturday Challenge where the theme this month is "All Wrapped Up" .. .. in terms of coats, hats, scarves, gloves etc. 

So that is my share for today (still not sure that hedgehog is going to be able to reach and get that special envelope into the post though LOL!!).

Lots of Christmas decorations appearing around and about us here .. .. some people are certainly far more organised in that department than I am that's for sure.  

Hopefully catch you again soon.



  1. Lovely to hear your news Jules, a painting party sounds like fun!! Great card too, love that paper pack, still stroking mine!! xx

  2. Hi Jules,
    so sorry that I haven't commented for a while only I have been busy making things for craft fares.

    I love your PB Christmas card and glad to see that you inked it up as soon as it arrived - I have lot's that I have just put away.....tut, tut!!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Big hugs
    Eve xx

  3. Lovely image, lovely colouring and lovely design, Jules! And just a really quick visit from me! Hugs, Lesley

  4. Awww - a little helping hand from Ted... could do with a helping hand meself at the mo!! LOL Luverly card Jules. x

  5. Another of your wonderful cards, love, love, love it. A really super image and design.
    So glad the kids have got their hands on those keys. It is definitely theirs now. Good Luck to them, they will have a wonderful Christmas this year.

    Patricia xx

  6. Such a lovely card Jules, I really love image, what a great ebay buy!
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  7. Gorgeous card Jules, that image is adorable...hmmm not sure he is going to reach either lol. Carol x

  8. Another super cute image here Jules,
    I love the sparkly snow and smart backing paper.
    Jean x

  9. Gorgeous card and love the tag.
    Someone on our street had their tree up last week - a bit early I think!
    Sharon x

  10. Gorgeous card Jules, such an adorable image, beautiful papers and wonderful detailing.
    Glad to here that 'The London Kids' got the keys to their new home, how lovely for the Estate Agent to leave them a bottle to celebrate.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    hugs Sue xx

  11. Love the image Jules,this is just

  12. A gorgeous card Jules. Love the PB stamp and brilliant layout and pretty touches.
    Lorraine x

  13. Gorgeous card and love that stamp, great papers and the first time this year I have seen any decent Christmas papers. Love the bow with the berries, oops forgot to look for the heart must do that next.

    Kath x

  14. Such an adorable Christmas card Jules, I love your fun image and pretty papers.
    Congratulations to the 'London Kids', I hope they will be very happy in their new home.

  15. Fabulous card Jules love your new pre loved stamp. I have put my first tree up! Susan x

  16. Super card Jules love your little tag


  17. So cute!! And that gorgeous ribbon is the perfect touch!

  18. So glad the London kids have got their keys, it's a nervous time right up till that moment. Oh they will be busy and broke. Great that they have willing friends it makes a difference. Love your card another cute image. Yes a few CHRISTMAS decorations going up around our village, to early for me. Enjoy your day. Hazel x

  19. Great news about your children Jules, nice to know they're settled.
    lovely card, I just love the sweet image and your papers and design are fab, hugs Kate x

  20. Oh how fun for the London Kids! Now the fun begins, so glad they have friends to help. How fun too that the agent again them a bottle to celebrate with. Nice touch! I love, love, love this card Jules! The paper is so pretty, the image fabulous and I adore it, your sentiment tag is fun and I love it on the card. So festive!! Christmas decorations has popped up all over here the in the states too. I like to wait until Nov. is over with first! lol Hugs, Brenda

  21. Cute image, loving the sparkly snow :-) xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx