Wednesday 27 May 2015


Hi Everyone

Yet another week gone in the blink of an eye!!  

Quite a big week here,  which amongst other things has seen a couple of table plans disappearing out of the front door.  One of them definitely kept me VERY quiet .. .. and needed my full concentration! 

The huge concentration jobbie consisted of one top table and 27 guest tables with on average 10 guests per table!  Yikes!!!  What a lot of washing up!!  LOL!!! 

The wedding and post wedding party doesn't take place until the end of this week but you never know, perhaps at a later stage the happy couple will let me share my mammoth make with you!  They were certainly very happy and excited as they left the House of Hearts.

Today sees the next issue of Quick Cards Made Easy hit the shelves and I thought it would be nice to share a couple of my favourite makes from one of my commissions for this month.

These cards came from a set which featured the "bargello" technique.  Just brilliant for using up scraps of paper.

I think the first one was a favourite because it used a "non-square" card blank for a change.  I must try and get out of the "always square" rut I seem to have fallen into .. .. and I just love the colours on the second card very, very much!

So that is me for today.  I hope you are well and have some lovely sunshine in your neck of the woods.  

Have a great day and hopefully I will see you soon.



  1. As a patchworker Jules these cards are just up my street love the colours of your Bargello pattern


  2. Love your Bargello cards - very pretty

  3. Two fabulous cards Jules - really must give this technique a go.
    WOW 27 tables - must be a mahooooosive wedding!!!!
    Hope all is well in the House of Hearts.
    Debs xx

  4. Hi there Jules - two beautiful cards. I love the colour combination very much. I am not too fussed on bargello - but I really like the second card layout. I think it would work with washitape. I might even give it a try ;-)! Lynn x

  5. Two very pretty makes Jules, the technique looks fab. Sounds like your happy couples are keeping you out of mischief lol. Carol x

  6. Wow Jules, I love that technique with the papers. These are beautiful! Xx

  7. both so gorgeous jules.i love the bright colours and stunning designs ;D

    xx coops xx

  8. Wow, wow, wow! Both of your cards are amazing Jules! I love the unique look they each have. The colors are so beautiful, yep, I am loving both of them. I am sure that your wedding couples were excited with whatever you do for them. You are a pro my friend and I can just imagine the excitement you much stir up. lol Hugs, Brenda

  9. Hi Jules, wow you've been busy, hope the couple do let you share some pics ! Love your pretty, summery cards...lovely papers, have a good weekend, hugs Carole Z xx

  10. Hi Jules, I'm getting confused!!! I definitely commented last week on your lovely cards, but my comment isn't there and I can't see any it just me or is there a blogger problem? Hugs Carole Z X

  11. Lovely cards Jules! I do so love the bargello technique, not done it for ages. You used really pretty colours too.


    Di xx

  12. hi Jules Hope you are well very pretty card. I have been the absent one this time busy busy. Have been doing some quilting at a lovely local shop. Take care xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx