Friday 7 August 2015


Hi Everyone

I hope you have had a good week and have a nice weekend planned!  Hopefully it will involve a bit of crafty playtime for those with itchy crafting fingers!

The London Kids are landing early doors tomorrow for us to spend a few days together .. .. my Niece is getting married on Monday so lots of celebrating to be done!!

But for now a share from me using the latest sketch in my little library .. .. Sketch number ten!  I am so pleased I have got around to using this one .. .. it was a favourite when I created it and I am quite chuffed with how it looks now I have used it.

So here we go:

This used:

Sentiment:  A very, very old Anita's Stamp (from way back when)
Backing Papers:  Craft Sensations by Grafix "Romantic Fine Art"
Woodware Punches:  Daisies
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
My Trust Sewing Machine
Ribbon stolen from my wedding sample making box (the only place I could find the right colour LOL!!)

and tah dah .. .. 

Sketch number ten from my little sketch library tab

Best get another sketch added to the mix tomorrow .. .. but for now I had better disappear.  I am nearly in bad books with Mr Heart because I should be downstairs by now sharing quality time!!!! Eeekkk!!!

Catch you soon.



  1. A very pretty make Jules, love this sketch. Enjoy your family time and wedding. Carol x

  2. Hi Jules, a gorgeous card - love the dab design and gorgeous colours and papers - have a lovely weekend with the London kids and enjoy your nieces wedding, hugs Carole Z X

  3. Brilliant card, fantastic design, I love it.
    Enjoy "quality time" with all the family.
    Patricia x

  4. Ooh, love this one Jules and you should definitely be very pleased with yourself!! Have a lovely weekend xx

  5. A gorgeous card Jules, love the design and pretty papers....nearly missed the heart!
    Have a lovely weekend
    Lorraine x

  6. Jules, you sound as if you are in for a very busy time? I know that feeling and we are just getting back to normal now that our visitors are home and all the wedding stuff is finished. Your card is gorgeous I love your design and could be changed for a male card with using other colours. Enjoy the London kids and the wedding. Hazel,x

  7. Hi Jules
    oh I do love your beautiful card and what a fabulous sketch - um when are you going to run a sketch challenge?!!!! LOL!!

    I wonder who made your niece's wedding invitations?!!
    I hope you all have a fabulous time and the weather is kind to your niece.

    Love Eve xx

  8. Love this card Jules, the sketch is fabulous and thus making a fabulous card. Love those papers and your flower in the center of your squares. How fun that your niece is getting married! Enjoy this time with your family!!! Hugs, Brenda

  9. A fab card and another great sketch!
    Kath x

  10. Absolutely gorgeous Jules. I love the papers and the colours.

  11. Such a pretty card Jules and another great sketch, thank you for sharing your sketches.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  12. Wow I absolutely love this. Gorgeous x

  13. Gorgeous Jules. You always manage to find such beautiful papers and the designs you create with them are always fabulous. Love this design.
    Hugs Sharon. x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx