Monday 21 September 2015


Hi Everyone

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

No pictures from me today . . . just lots of happy news.

Saturday brought a lovely new bride to my doorstep who will be getting married a couple of days after Christmas .. .. my first snowflake themed table plan and venue stationery order!  How lovely .. .. Christmas excitement and wedding excitement all at the same time.   Ooooo I hope I don't burst LOL!!

Then Sunday I worked the majority of the day with my youngest Son sorting out the final touches to my new website .. .. .. and we finished very late last night with the scary scrapping of the old website .. .. .. .. and bringing the new one to life.  Gosh my Son has the patience of a Saint!  I am not the most technology blessed person in the world, and I desperately wanted to understand everything we were doing, and kept asking him question after question.  I bet he slept well last night because I feel certain I must have worn him out!

The new website is only in its infancy but I am so chuffed with it .. .. and as quite a few people had enquired as to how it was coming along I thought you might fancy a peep at some of what has been keeping me away from blogland.  You will find it here

At last a website that I can change and add pictures to myself .. .. woo hoo!  It has taken me ages to reach this stage because I have only been able to chip away at it very gradually alongside everything else.  There are lots of hidden pages that will be making an appearance as things progress, new samples and designs, and loads more photographs to take and add .. .. .. but I am really excited about what has been achieved so far.

I'm a bit excited .. .. .. can you tell?  LOL!!! 

Hoping to be here tomorrow with a teeny, tiny Tuesday make but the next job (which I should have done before now) is to get that camera battery on charge again!!

Catch you soon - I hope the day is being kind to you.



  1. Well done Jules and it looks fab.

    Kath x

  2. Hi Jules,
    Wow, you new web site looks absolutely amazing, no wonder you are so excited. Sue x

  3. I've just been to have a nosey around your new website.....Jules, it looks fantastic, I love it! The pictures look really elegant and so clear, it's very easy to navigate and the whole 'look' is so elegant.
    I wish you every success with your new website. ( I have no doubt that it will be a success!!)
    Lorraine x

  4. Your website is just perfect Jules, so clean and easy to use with fantastic photography. Wishing you loads of success with it x

  5. Hi Jules

    I am so pleased that you have got your new website up and running - WOW WEE!!! It is absolutely STUNNING and I'm sure that you are very pleased with it.
    Your work is simple perfect and it is clear that a lot of love and attention has gone into the process - well done you.....and your son for his help!
    As far as I can see there is only one problem - now you will get LOADS more orders when happy couples visit your new elegant and professional website which means you will be even more busy than you are now!!
    Hope you have a fab week.
    Big hugs
    Eve xx

  6. The website is looking great Jules...your photos are stunning. Nice to get these things up and running well done that son! Carol x

  7. New website looks absolutely fantastic Jules, you are justifiably proud! Huge pat on the back for you and your over tired son lol! xx

  8. Hi Jules! Your new website is looking good!! All your wedding stationary are beautiful!! Love it!

  9. Congratulations on your new website - it looks fabulous! Well done to your son for doing a grand job.
    Kath x

  10. Just had a nosy round your new website and your stationery is beautiful xx

  11. Jules the website is fantastic so chic and clean looking. Your wedding stationery is absolutely gorgeous, no wonder you are run off your feet with orders.

  12. Hi again Jules
    just to say that I have just noticed my spelling mistake on my last comment - it should say 'simply perfect' NOT 'simple perfect'....your designs are far from simple!!!!
    Sorry about that!!
    I am simply an idiot...tee hee!!
    Love Eve xx

  13. Many congratulations Jules, your new site looks FAB.


  14. Congratulations on the new website, Jules! Lookin' good!!

    love Mags B x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx