Tuesday 29 September 2015


Hi Everyone

I hope you are all having a good week.

As I am sure you will have guessed from my absence in blogland, my little world is super busy at the moment .. .. but as always, super exciting!

I have a lovely "happy couple" who are getting married on Saturday and there are still lots and lots of ribbons to be tied for that .. .. samples to be made for new "happy couples" .. .. and a wedding fayre on Sunday that I need to prepare for!!!  

Therefore, if anyone goes to the supermarket today and sees a huge bumper box of "extra time" (preferably on offer with 50% extra free) then could you grab me a couple of boxes please.  I would be very, very grateful LOL!!

So, as I can't create and post here at the moment I thought I would take this week to introduce lots of new sketches into my library so that when I "can" sit at the "general crafting station" again I can hit the ground running .. .. click on my sketch library tab and off I go.  Wish I had though of this years ago .. .. it would have saved me sooooo much time.  But hey, better late than never!

So here we go:


Have fun if you decide to have a play with it.

Catch you again soon with the next addition.

Have a good day .. .. I hope the sunshine makes an appearance for you.



  1. Another great one Jules and if I find any spare boxes of time I will send your way xx

  2. Thank you so much for commenting on my blog on... er.... it was the 12th September! Where are the weeks going?! I always appreciate a comment from you, because I know how busy you are. Your 'happy couples' are very fortunate to have you making their stationery!

    I hope all is well with you and Mr Heart.

    with much love, Maggie xxx

  3. Fab sketch Jules, thanks for sharing!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  4. My supermarket were all out of extra time I'm afraid, apparently there's a huge demand for it!!

    I love your very helpful sketch library tab & have already used one of them, just came to look for another to inspire me. Huge thank you from me, they are really appreciated xx

  5. P.S. I'll let you know when I blog them x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx