Friday 23 October 2015


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday ahead of what I hope will be a happy weekend for everyone!!

Shock horror .. .. get me .. .. posting two days on the run .. .. wow!!  Just like the old days!

I have had a fabby day today.  No deadlines to meet .. .. a day to just make whatever took my fancy .. .. and this was one of the creations of the day:

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "1670K" Sugar Sweet Dreams
Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat (sadly no longer available .. .. as will be the case with everything in the boutique soon :-( .. .. yep, it wasn't a nightmare .. .. I have finally convinced myself it is actually true and I am gutted.
Backing Papers:  Pink Petticoat "Pinstripes" and a page from an old cookery book
X-Cut Corner Rounding Punch and Heart Palm Punch
Stampin' Up!:  Banner Punch
My Trusty Sewing Machine
and Sketch Number Seven which you can find on my sketch tab

and if anyone is wondering how I managed to get a long banner out of the tiny Stampin' Up punch .. ..  .. well I cut a narrow strip and did this:

.. .. .. and for anyone who is worried about the cookery book I used.  It is a very, very huge old book .. ..  the one I bought when we got married all those years ago to learn how to cook from .. .. and it is falling to pieces through lots of use and old age.  I have been taking out the recipes I want to keep and filing them away but as I am never, EVER going to be making jam I used a page from the "preserves" section for this card.

So that is me for today.

Hopefully catch you again soon.



  1. Fabby card Jules and lovely to see you posting! Wonderful card as ever and those wee meece are adorable!

    I gave my preserving pan away about five years ago, figured that at a push I could use the big stainless steel stock pot. However, I did wisely keep the jam jar funnel :) It came in useful not long ago when Len was decanting bird seed into a storage container from a flimsy package.


    Di xx

  2. This is totally adorable Jules, love the recipe book background. Have a great weekend. Carol x

  3. Hi Jules,
    2 gorgeous cards today. Have a great weekend. Sue x

  4. Such a cute, fabulous card.

  5. This is sooo sweet Jules, love those cute little mice and your recipe book makes a brilliant backing paper.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Lorraine x

  6. Great card, love the image, so cute.

  7. Old cook books rock, thus is super cute!


  8. Beautiful card Jules, and like you I am gutted big time.


  9. Scrolling down the blogs and yours pinged out at me as always, love your style and the cooking book ideas xx

  10. Such a sweet image, no pun intended, I love the backing paper and your layering, Kate x

  11. Gorgeous creation Jules, great image and layout.

    Kath x

  12. Hi Jules… thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. Glad you've got a bit of free time to play! and what an adorable card you've made here… love the wee mice… they are very sweet… and the papers are so perfect with the image… great idea to use the old cookbook! :-))
    Sorry I haven't visited very often either… I struggle nowadays, to find time to craft and comment but don't want to give it up as it keeps me sane! Lol.
    Ah no! just read about Pink Petticoat… that's a shock...I'm really gutted… I love their papers and especially the images as they are quick to colour when short on time! :-(
    Need to go and put all my clocks back now... so many to do in our house! Lol
    Love Sue B xx

  13. so stunning jules.i love the sweet mice and the recipe page paper is brilliant ;D

    xx coops xx

  14. Fabulous card, so so cute!
    Wendy xx

  15. great card! I love that PB stamp! you feeling sad that PP are closing their doors..have always loved their stuff..


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx