Friday 25 December 2015


Hi Everyone

Well, Christmas Day is here and Santa will have been off-loading his sleigh with goodies for all those who have been good.

Have a lovely time everyone .. .. and for all those I know (and even those I don't) who will be struggling over the next few days .. .. please know that I will be thinking of you often and wishing I could make things different for you.  If I had a magic wand it would be working overtime so everyone could have their Christmas wishes come true.

Thank you to everyone who has called by my blog and left lovely comments or sent encouraging emails .. .. you are all very kind especially considering that this year I have struggled a little to keep my little blog active as the wedding work has been so busy, and struggled even more to keep up with what everyone else is doing.  

To finish, here is a single shot of the last Christmas card I made in 2015 .. .. dedicated to all the lovely visitors to my teeny, tiny part of blogland (and if you can spot the heart you have done very, very well indeed!).

Take care everyone and enjoy this special time.


p.s.  The package didn't arrive :-(   -   so much for ordering early for Christmas!!


  1. Merry Christmas Jules, I think I spot a small heart.....(snowflake centre)....


    Another of your wonderful creations, love it.
    Have a great day
    Patricia xxx

  3. A lovely card Jules. I hope you have a great Christmas and look forward to seeing more of your beautiful creations in 2016.
    Kath x

  4. Hi Jules
    Fabby card... Is the heart in the middle of the Snowflake... Picture bit blurred...
    Hugs zsylvie xx
    Merry chrimbo...

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your family Jules. I am so sorry your parcel did not arrive - at least you can have an excuse for the January sales eh?! Have a wonderful Christmas, and blessings for 2016.
    Lynn x

  6. I hope your Christmas has been fabulous, your card looks beautiful, I love the jingle bells.
    Wishing you everything you hope for in 2016.
    Jean x

  7. Visiting after a 6 month break and big changes, totally stunning cards as always. Hope to be a more frequent visitor from now on x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx