Friday 18 December 2015


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday . .. nearly the weekend!

Today is always the day that starts panic in the House of Hearts .. .. .. as today is Mr Heart's birthday .. .. .. which means that this time next week it will be Christmas Day!  So close and yet still so very much to fit in!! 

Having said "panic sets in" ... .. .. I have to admit that I think that only applies to me!  Christmas always just seems to happen for everyone else in a lovely relaxed manner .. .. whereas I set myself up with a huge list of  things I want to get done.  Perhaps one day I will learn how to "get ahead of the game"  .. .. but I somehow doubt it if I haven't managed it after all these years.  Even if I was all up to date I would think of something else "I really want to get done"!!!  LOL!! .

But one huge thing I don't need to worry about this year is the Christmas dinner! This year I am having it cooked for me! Yay!!! Treat of treats!!

Anyway, here is the card I made for Mr H's birthday using another pre-loved Penny Black stamp I gained recently.

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "1587K" So Glad to Catch You!
Sentiment:   Docrafts Papermania "Relations" and a computer generated one too
Backing Papers:  Craft Sensations by Grafix "It's a men's World"
Die-Namics Die:  Blueprints 14
Silver Embossing Powder
Metallic Cord

and that is it!!  Happy Birthday Mr Heart!!

I was asked what I had used to make the small star hole in the Christmas tags I posted on Tuesday .. .. it is a Fiskars star hand punch that I have had for many years that looks like this and is super strong. It punches through the front and back of a folded tag in one go:
I find it really useful .. .. along with another one that punches a tiny heart LOL!!

Right time to get started on the day - I have an order to finish and get into the post today .. .. .. not looking forward to the queue at the Post Office!!!

Have a good one everyone and I hope to catch you again soon.



  1. A gorgeous card for your hubby Jules ...
    Have a great weekend


  2. A lovely card Jules and Happy Birthday to Mr Heart. It's hard to believe that next Friday is Christmas Day!
    Kath x

  3. Happy Birthday to your hubby. Love the card you made him.

  4. Happy birthday to Mr H...and what a gorgeous card you've made him. Thanks for the info about the punch too. Panic not...Christmas will come ready or not lol! Have a wonderful time and best wishes for the New Year too. Carol x

  5. Aw love this image. It's so cute. Fabulous card Jules x

  6. Hi Jules
    Oh how I love your adorable card for Mr heart - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR HEART!!!!

    I know exactly what you mean about the Christmas Panic - every year I try and be more organised but sadly I never am!

    I hope you and Mr Heart have a lovely evening.

    Love Eve xx

  7. Beautiful card Jules, and Happy Birthday to Mr Heart.
    Hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas.Sue x

  8. This is gorgeous Jules, I love those little hedgies....need those little hedgies!!
    Hope Mr H had a fabulous birthday
    Lorraine x

  9. A super card Jules, such a cute image and fabulous masculine design, I bet Mr H loved it.
    Lucky you having Christmas dinner cooked for you, I will be cooking for eight of us again this year - Boxing Day is my rest day, the boy's will be looking after me all day!

  10. Happy Birthday to Mr Heart, lovely card you made him. Lucky you having xmas dinner dished up, with no cooking. Wishing you both a Merry Christmas and a Happy and not to hectic new year. Catch up soon xx

  11. Hi Jules fabulous card... Love the Hedgie stamp a new one to me... Love it...
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  12. Awww this is very sweet Jules… such an adorable image and I love the scrummy papers and pretty twine! :-)
    Very Best Wishes to you and your family for Christmas and New Year! Hope 2016 is a good one for you! ;-)
    Love and hugs, Sue B xxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx