Sunday 24 January 2016


Hi Everyone

Happy Sunday .. .. I hope you are having a good weekend.

Many thanks to everyone who has been checking in on me and enquiring if everything is all OK in the House of Hearts.

I am very happy to report that all is good .. .. .. just very, very busy and exciting.

I really don't know where January has disappeared to.  It seems to have passed in the blink of an eye .. .. I am just hoping that the whole year isn't going to speed along at the same rate!!

My time has been spent mainly on orders, magazine commissions and wedding work .. .. all being things that I can't share at this point in time.  I am also booked into a wedding fayre next Sunday and desperately want to get some new samples together to take there and get onto my website .. .. but I want to keep the customers I already have super happy first. 

Lots of new embellishments, ribbons, lace and cardstock to create with on the wedding front, and a brain buzzing with ideas .. .. .. but no time to put everything into action yet.  Oh I do hope the next week can be one of those long ones that lasts forever .. .. .. like when I was around 9 years old and a week at school felt like a month!!!  LOL!!!

But whilst having a bit of a relax last night I did create another little sketch for my library (yes, my brain doesn't switch off even when I am relaxing).  I must be so annoying to live with.. .. I am hyper all the time.

I haven't used all the other sketches yet  .. .. ..  but it is good to have them in reserve and I know that quite a few of you are enjoying using them too.  I am pleased about that.

So here we go:

Sketch Twenty Four which went into the library this morning

Have fun if you decide to have a play with it .. .. and let me know so I can come and have a peep!

Fingers crossed I get chance to make something to share this week .. .. but for now I am off to carry on with card cutting duties ahead of a mammoth printing session.  No rest for the wicked! LOL!!

So much for all the good intentions on my New Year Resolutions list .. .. hardly any of them have been put into action yet.  But I am not giving up on them. I will still be trying to improve where I can.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone and my apologies for not getting around to your lovely blogs at the moment.  I still love you all and miss visiting you lots!!  Mwah!!



  1. Hi Jules, glad to hear all is good in the house of hearts. i have been a bad blogger too haven't done anything for ages, i have been busy going to quilt club. Both my boys passed their driving tests so no more chauffeuring for me. I am away with the girls beginning Feb so hopefully lots of crafting that week. Good luck with wedding fayre xxx

  2. It's lovely to see you Jules, it sounds like you are keeping yourself nice and busy.
    Thank you for another great sketch.

  3. Yes I miss your creations Jules but hey ho lol. Glad you are busy though. Great sketch. Must try to use some of yours. I tend to make what's in my head hahaha. X

  4. Glad things are still going well and keeping you busy.
    I know what you mean about time, 23rd January is my birthday and when I was little it seemed an absolute age once Christmas was over to it being my birthday. These days it seems to be here in a blink of eye and I am another year older.

    Kath x

  5. Time? It's always gone these days before you can even blink! Hope this week goes a little slower.


  6. January, what's that? I must have blinked! Sketch 24 looks lovely, I do appreciate having your talent available to us all. Persevere with the NY resolutions, you have another 11 months to crack them ;-) xx

  7. Thank you for all the lovely cards and sketches, I enjoy them all and take away lots of ideas from them. I am getting ready for the show out here at the moment. I am glad that all is well with you even though things a super busy. Keep up the beautiful work.
    Cheers Wilma


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx