Friday 13 May 2016


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday!!

Don't these weeks speed by fast?  They lasted much longer than this when I had to endure school lessons all those years ago!!

So Friday's theme has become "feminine Friday" on my blog and this is my offering for this week:

This used:

Image:  Penny Black Slapstick "40-395" So Kind
Sentiment:  Penny Black "4393F" Best Birthday
Backing Papers:  First Edition Papers "Love Story"
MFT Dienamics Die Set:  Blueprints 14 
Ribbon from my crafty stash box

and that is me for today!  

A lovely bright day here .. .. and .. .. we have good news on the car front.  The garage are bringing Mr Heart's repaired car back late this afternoon.  You may remember  that someone re-shaped it for him a few weeks ago.  Well thankfully it wasn't written off.  Phew!!! 

Enjoy the rest of today and have a good weekend.



  1. Hi Jules, I'm slinking in here with head handing low as I am once again behind in my commenting. So far behind that I can't catch up. But I have went through and looked at all your amazing cards and once again I'm in awe of them. Yes, the weeks fly by and I don't understand how that happens. As when we were in school the time drug on. How does that work?!! Time is time and it doesn't go faster or slower, right?! But it does go very fast now!! sigh I love this sweet card today Jules, it is just as cute as can be! You have colored up your sweet critters so nicely, but it is the sentiment that is so fun! I love it!! Hugs, Brenda

  2. This is gorgeous Jules, a sweet image and fabulous sentiment - such a pretty card.

  3. Hi Jules

    Oh how I love this pretty card - just perfect!
    I have finally given in and ordered the blueprint dies as the urge was just too powerful!!! LOL!!

    So glad that Mr Heart has his car back .. phew!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend and manage to swim the channel of your to do list!!!

    Love and hugs
    Eve xx

  4. Aaaah absolutely so adorable, i've never seen that fabby sentiment stamp before, Luv Sam x

  5. This is gorgeous Jules, love the design and that adorable PB sweet!
    Lorraine x

  6. A lovely card Jules - a cute image and beautiful sentiment. Good news about Mr Heart's car too.
    Kath x

  7. Aww lovely Jules, pretty papers too, Kate x

  8. Soooo cute Jules! Another wonderful card from you :)


    Di xx

  9. Absolutely gorgeous and so adorable Jules, love it!
    Wendy xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx