Sunday 8 May 2016


Hi Everyone

Happy sunny Sunday (or at least I hope it is sunny where you are).  Definitely is here!!

Here today with my snippet make for taking over to Pixie's Snippets Playground where we are encouraged to use up some of those bits of paper/ribbon that we just can't part with, ideally not cutting into any new fresh sheets at all!.

That is definitely true of the piece of ribbon on my card today.  It has been floating around in my craft pod for that long, that I was sick of seeing it.  No matter how many times I put it into my little bag of ribbon offcuts it re-appears on my desk .. .. clearly just super keen to be used!!  LOL!!

So here we go:

and as always I am lazy on a Sunday and do not list my ingredients - but if there is anything you wish to know then you only have to ask.

This card also uses a new sketch which I added to my little library today.  Please feel free to use it, or any of the others in my collection if you want to.  They can all be found on the tab at the top of my blog.

OK then .. .. time to go and link up and then see how long it takes for my post to make an appearance on my dashboard .. .. .. the way things are going it could even be tomorrow!!   For some reason it has been taking hours and hours recently!!  I don't know about you but I don't even have many recent posts from other blogs on my dashboard either.  I am going to try leaving my signature off this time to see if that helps.  (Nah!!!  It made no difference at all!! LOL!!)  

Enjoy the rest of your day.  I am off on kitchen duties next :-(



  1. Oh Jules....what pretty paper and it goes so well with the kraft paper...and whats this? BUTTONHOLES in paper!!!!!! that is dedication I have to say! brilliant card. xx

  2. A gorgeous card Jules, love the pretty design
    Lorraine x

  3. This is another great sketch and I love the cheery colours you've used - great idea to make buttonholes for the buttons.

  4. A pretty card Jules, lovely papers and great new sketch - thank you for sharing.

  5. Hope you and Mr. Heart have enjoyed the wonderful sunshine Jules. We certainly have, and lots of outside jobs done too :-)
    A lovely card, and a delightful sketch - I think I feel a card coming on! Enjoyed your Celebration Saturday too. Hope all goes well with your postings for next week. Lynn

  6. A really pretty card Jules and your button holes look amazing. What a great idea and something I've never seen before on a card. Barbxx

  7. Beautiful Spring colours and all that lovely stitching make this card a gem! Hope you are well x Emma xxx

  8. Hello June's, lovely card and design, colours too are beautiful.
    It's been really good to see all your gorgeous cards this week, so pleased you are managing to find the time to post, Kate x

  9. Gorgeous card. I love the patterned paper and the colours you've chosen. Great sentiment too. xx

  10. Great card Jules, love the buttonhole detail and the colour combo :)
    Hugs, Kaz x

  11. A great snippets card and I love your new sketch too. I hope you have a good week and I'm looking forward to seeing this week's cards.
    Kath x

  12. Love this Jules and too funny about the piece of ribbon that kept popping up begging to be used! Those buttonholes are genius! Fabulous sketch and a great card too.

    Sorry I'm a bit late hopping round to comment, the sunshine yesterday was just too tempting!


    Di xx

  13. Gorgeous, loving the colours xx

  14. Lovely snippets card Jules and terrific sketch.
    Hugs, Sarn xxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx