Saturday 11 June 2016


Hi Everyone

Happy Saturday!

I hope you have had a good day.

Mine has been taken up with gardening and meeting happy couples today.  Lots to do in both departments!!!

Sorry for the "no show" yesterday.  I am beginning to think that Feminine Friday needs to be changed to Flippin' Lucky if there is anything to share!  I don't know what it is about Fridays but just recently they seem to have become the busiest day of my week.

But at least I have something to share today .. .. and it is another Christmas card for that very empty stock box!

This used:

Image:  Hero Arts "K5620" and "H5629"
Sentiment:  Penny Black Transparent Stamp Set "30-310" Believe
Backing Papers:  Docrafts Forever Friends "Timeless"
Memento Ink Pad "Toffee Crunch"
Glitter Card
Diamond Stickles
Glamour Dust
X-Cut Palm Punch:  Star
Pearls from my crafty stash box

No sewing on my card today .. .. I don't think my machine would like the glitter on the glitter card.

Quite pleased with how the Memento Ink Pad matches the lovely pearlescent backing papers so well. 

.. .. and as for the heart.  Well if anyone can spot one then you will be worthy of being called "a professional heart spotter" .. .. good luck!! 

Hopefully catch you again tomorrow with my snippet make.  I think I can find a few offcuts lying around LOL!!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Love Jules xx


  1. Wonderful card Jules, love the colour and the glitter on the trees is really pretty !
    You are doing way better than me at blogging recently, I just never seem to get chance unless I am awake in the middle of the night lol. Havent been in my little craft room for a couple of weeks now, must try and get some time in there tomorrow ;)
    Hugs, Kaz x

  2. Love this Jules....i think the brown and the glitter card go so well together and what a lovely stamp. A very classy card form a classy lady no doubt :)

  3. Gorgeous card Jules - love the colour and fabulous design and I think I've spotted the heart(s)
    The snowflake DP is lovely :)
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Debs xx

  4. A beautiful card - love the design and the colours are fab.
    Kath x

  5. Absolutely gorgeous Jules, I love the colours and your lovely twinkly design, Kate x

  6. A gorgeous elegant card Jules xx

  7. A fabulous card Jules, such a lovely colour combination and lots of pretty sparkle.

  8. Hi Jules, well...after you threw down the gauntlet (so to speak), I just had to rise to the challenge and attempt to spot the heart. I expanded the middle image to as large as it would go on my tablet and I think I finally spotted a very cunningly camouflaged heart on the ...

    Lovely Christmas card,using two of my favourite HA stamps.

    Hugs, Pauline xx

  9. This is absolutely gorgeous Jules. The colours are super.

  10. Brilliant card Jules, love the colours, papers and fantastic design.
    The "heart" stumped me, that's for sure.
    Patricia x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx