Monday 6 June 2016


Hi Everyone

Happy Monday!

Super gorgeous weather here today .. .. and it inspired the theme for today's Monday's male card.

I have been looking forward to colouring up this image for a while:  

This used:

Image:  Digistamp Boutique "BBQ Stan"
Backing Papers:  Nitwits Collection "All Fired Up"
Martha Stewart Edge Punch:  Embossed Zig Zag
Diamond Stickles
Ribbon from my crafty stash box

Must admit I wish Mr Heart was King of the BBQ .. .. .. I thought all men enjoyed firing up the BBQ and cooking outdoors. But not my hubby  .. ..  not sure why.  Probably a mixture of having to take everything outside, cook in a fog of smoke, battle with the insect life and then clean up a well burnt BBQ grill at the end.  But never mind .. . .. you can't have everything can you LOL!!

Over the weekend we took the London Kids to a local craft store (they enjoy crafting as much as I do).  Sadly the store sent me an email on Friday to say they were closing down. Boo hoo!  So sad when you see another physical craft outlet disappear.

I know we can buy lots of bargains on line but it isn't the same as having a wander around a "real - bricks and mortar" shop is it.

It did mean they were having a closing down sale though, so we went along to stock up on a few crafty essentials. Even the shop fittings will be going later so I will be having a wander back at a later stage to see what I can put to good use.

What they did have were some of those hanger plaque things that you hook on door handles. They had some decorated up to read "craft room".  I saw Mr Heart looking at them and when he saw I had noticed him he said "That's a shame.  They don't have enough.  You would need one for every door in the house".   Cheeky monkey him!!  LOL!!

Anyway time to get cracking on another mission.  

I'll catch you again tomorrow for Teeny, Tiny Tuesday.

Enjoy your day.

Love Jules xx


  1. Fabulous card Jules...
    Happy you had a good time with your family...
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  2. Fab fun card Jules, love the image and colours, hopefully you've got bbq weather, Kate x

  3. Hi Jules. A fab male card. Mr B isn't bad with a BBQ but we haven't had one yet. Too much else going on! X

  4. A brilliant mans card Jules, love the image and the papers are perfect for him
    Lorraine x

  5. Thank you for the inspiration Jules, great card but I have a feeling you won't be needing the stamp again this year! Ha ha...sorry
    My hubby is exactly the same he doesn't " do" barbecues. Good job I love them so I'm the one with the striped apron and silly hat
    Linda xx

  6. Fabulous card, would suit my BIL and not my hubby he has never BBQ'd, hates it thank goodness.
    Great papers too.
    Best day of the year for us today, weather wise, reached 24deg.

    Kath x

  7. Gorgeous card, with a beautifully coloured image. xx

  8. A super card Jules, a fun image and great sentiment.
    I think we will only have the large craft stores soon - it's such a shame.

  9. Fabulously designed male card and colours are awesome..

  10. Loving this BBQ image. Shame about your local shop closing, I agree it is lovely to be able to go along and browse. Had to smile at the comments about the door hangers - same would apply here I reckon I'd need one for each room too!!

  11. A lovely card Jules with a fun image. We finally decided to give our BBQ away
    last year. My hubby used to be the BBQ chef but really didn't enjoy it. For just two of us we decided to just cook indoors and eat it outside when the weather is right.

    Sorry to hear your local craft outlet is closing. I smiled at Mr Hearts door hanger comment. Barbxx

  12. Just adorable Jules, what a super cute image.

    Hugs Diane

  13. Great card Jules, love the bright colours DSB are so useful for their character digis arent they ?
    My hubby is the same with the bbq, when the good weather starts and I mention a bbq I get the rolled eyes and its a standing joke that he only does 3 degrees of cooking ...Black, blacker and charcoal !! Lol bless him
    Hugs, Kaz x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx