Friday 22 July 2016


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday .. .. ahead of hopefully a happy weekend for everyone!

Well after my ambitious post of Wednesday where I proclaimed to the world that I was "back on track" .. .. well I was .. .. but it only lasted for a day LOL!!

How quickly things can change.  A couple of emails, a meeting with a bride, and a new wedding enquiry and suddenly everything goes off at a tangent.

I did work on a quick "Thursday's Child" card and once it was finished I decided I would also turn it into a sketch for my little sketch library.  Can you believe it has taken me longer to produce the sketch than it did to make the card!!  I had to give up on Thursday because the task was using up too much time (and hurting my head and testing my patience in the process).

Why?  It looks far simpler than a lot of the others!

Well it took me ages and ages to work out how to have just two rounded corners on the top panel.  I could have four straight away .. .. no problem.  But not two!  If I had let everything go off the edge of the base on the left it would have been easy too.  But that wasn't what I wanted .. .. and I hate things to get the better of me.

Eventually I managed it .. .. .. but already I have forgotten what I did!!  Clearly I need to repeat the process around 100 times in the hope it will become second nature LOL!!!

I am determined to master the Craft Artist 2 Professional programme, because it is so very, very useful.  But not being particularly computer savvy doesn't help!!

Anyway, after all that here is my card .. .. hope it was worth the wait:

This used:

Image:  Digistamp Boutique "Funtime Dan" Set 2
Sentiment: Computer Generated using font "Calibri"
Backing Papers:  Pink Petticoat .. sadly no longer trading but I am still loving the papers very much
X-Cut Corner Rounding Punch
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Wink of Stella on the little fish and frog .. .. but you can't really see it in the pictures

and here is the patience testing new sketch which was added to the library today:

Tee hee!!!  Not much to it really is there!

Anyway if you feel the urge to use it .. .. or any of the others in my little collection please feel free to do so.  They are all on the tab at the top of my blog.

I am also linking up to the Digistamp Boutique Competition for July as I have used one of their scrummy images.

Enjoy the rest of today .. .. and your weekend.

Not sure if I will be making an appearance on my blog over the next couple of days.  It looks like a weekend of wedding samples and wedding work for me!!! Woo hoo!!!

Love Jules xx


  1. A fabulous card Jules and yes, it was worth the effort!
    Kath x

  2. A super card Jules, such lovely pastel colours and cute image.
    Thank you for another brilliant sketch, I'm glad you managed to work it out in the end.

  3. After all that what a fabulous boys card Jules! I love the cute papers, a great layout and lovely rounded corners too! ;D

  4. Love this little guy Jules and what a great sketch too xx

  5. Gorgeous Jules. I do love your style of cards. I cannot use Craft Artist or indeed any of those programmes as I have not got the patience for them. I would need a "Craft Artist for dummies" book.

  6. Aah! what a lovely card for a small boy. The perseverance with the programme to produce the sketch has paid off in the end - another one to add to the so useful collection when ideas run dry (as they do).

  7. Great card Jules and such a sweet image...


  8. Absolutely adorable Jules. X


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx