Sunday 18 September 2016


Hi Everyone

Happy Sunday!

I hope you have all been having a lovely weekend .. .. today has been glorious weather wise here.  I wonder if it is a last glimpse of summer?  I hope not.  I am not ready for Autumn yet!

Sorry for the quietness from this end .. .. but to say my crafty life is busy at the moment would be an understatement. 

I re-arranged my list and decided there is only one thing for it and that is to not worry about my blog for a while and just keep my head down and clear the list as much as I can.

Plus there are the Autumn weddings to add to the mix too!

I haven't even packed away all the supplies from the wedding fayre last Sunday.  My feet just haven't touched the ground.

It didn't help when we nipped into The Range this afternoon to pick up some much needed essentials and they were filling all the shelves with Christmas goodies.  Now normally when that happens I get all excited .. .. but today my heart actually skipped a beat in panic!!  I really can't believe Christmas is nearly upon us again.  It doesn't seem two minutes since I was melting the London Kids electric kettle on the gas hob last Christmas!! (We haven't been invited back this Christmas.. .. I wonder why?!?!?). LOL!!!

I do have some general cards to cross off my list so you never know .. .. there might be the odd appearance here and there if I can get to actually posting them to my blog.

Catch you when I do everyone.

Love and hugs
Jules xx


  1. It sounds like you are super busy at the moment Jules, it sounds like I need to avoid the Range - I'm trying to be good at the moment and use up some of my stash.
    In answer to your question, yes I do still manage to find time for my greenhouse and allotment - I picked lots of tomatoes on Saturday and made enough tomato sauce to keep us going through the winter.
    Take care and don't work too hard.

  2. It is great that you are so busy as that means that your creations are very popular and you are doing it right. You must have the patience of a Saint to buckle down and get on with the job but the praise and glory much be worth it all.
    We do miss you and your fabulous creations but your Brides come first.

    Take care

    Kath x

  3. Good luck Jules. Take care xxx

  4. Don't panic! I hope you get things ticked off your 'to do' list and look forward to seeing your posts when you get time.

    I've not been posting as much either since I started work - too much to do and too little time! Thanks for your email - I am enjoying the new job (part-time clerical assistant in a primary school) although I would rather be at home!

    Take care
    Kath x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx