Sunday 20 November 2016


Hi Everyone

Happy Sunday!

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Ours has been a bit of a mixed bag .. .. .. Mr Heart has had the lurgy all week and it doesn't seem to be in a rush to disappear .. .. in fact if anything he feels worse today than he has all week.  He hadn't better share it with me!  I certainly don't have time to be ill! I am blaming it all on the flu jab he had a couple of weeks ago!!

But with Mr Heart lying low and coughing for England, I have had chance to have a good crafty clear up after what has been a manic work week. Certainly lots of good things achieved .. .. and lots more lined up .. .. but sadly I have also had to turn work down and that always seems such a shame. But sometimes sense has to prevail.

At least I managed to find time for a play with my snippets .. .. and Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without this little chappie making an appearance.

Yay!!  Another Christmas card made .. .. but I still need lots more!!  So no let up on the Christmas card blog posts just yet!  Sorry folks!

Hopefully a few more will be making an appearance this week .. .. but for now I will skip along to Pixie's Snippets Playground as this used up quite a few bits from the ever increasing snippet pile. I just wish that lovely holly paper I have used would multiply whilst my back is turned .. .. it has nearly all gone now :-(

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone.



  1. Gorgeous card Jules, love the image and papers and that ribbon is lush !
    Your poor hubby, hope he gets better soon and that you manage to swerve the bugs lol
    Hugs, Kaz x

  2. Hi Jules, This is so gorgeous. Sue x

  3. A super Christmas card Jules, such a cute image.
    I hope Mr Heart is soon on the mend.

  4. This is truly lovely Jules...everything about it is perfect, design, colors...yes everything....and a classy as ever! Hope you stay free of the bugs Jules. xx

  5. Don't faint Jules, I know I haven't visited in such a long, long time. I have no excuses either! Just laziness maybe??! Love, love, love your beautiful Christmas card! The hegie is just adorable and I just love the papers you used as well. I hope Mr. Heart doesn't give you what he has and you stay nice and healthy!! It's a shame that you had to turn some work away, but a good thing as the same time, how nice to be in such demand!! Hugs, Brenda

  6. Brilliant snippets card - love the sheer exuberance of the hedgie!!

  7. Hi Jules,
    I'm loving this little guy, funny how hedgies and hammies wangle their way into your heart. Great gold embossing too, wondering what gold EP you use??
    Great card all around and do pray Mr Heart is now on the up and getting over the large!! Begone indeed, bad bug!!
    Thanks for sharing,
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  8. What a fabulous card Jules - and I agree that this little chap needs an annual outing (note to self here!). Your holly paper is really lovely too (the closest I know is Marianne's I think, but not as nice as yours) - and the bow - and the sentiment - sigh.

    AND I spotted the heart, you sneaky little minx :)

    Hope Mr Heart is on the mend!


    Di xx

  9. Super cute card Jules and, as ever, I am in total awe of your immaculate stitching!! xx

  10. Absolutely gorgeous Jules, love this little cutie.
    Wendy xx

  11. Hi Jules this is just the sweetest of cards, love the image and the lovely ribbon, fabulous colours, Kate x

  12. I do love this card. I have a soft spot for hedgies at the best of times,and this is a very happy little chappie. I am glad I stumbled onto your blog from the Snippets Playground. I have heard my sister (Jean Straw of My crafty Corner) talk about your hearts.
    I hope Mr heart has kept his snuffles to himself. i am just recovering from a cold - something i rarely suffer from, but this one has hung around much longer than necessary! I had my flu jab this week and it hasn't made anything worse, so that is something to be grateful for.
    I have a couple of favourite papers too, but I usually scan them before I use them up, so I can print out more.
    Kate x

  13. Hi Jules

    YAY!! now I know Christmas is really on its way with an appearance of your Penny Black hedgie!!! LOL!

    I do hope that Mr Heart is better now.

    hugs Eve xxx

  14. Gorgeous card as usual I love hedgie!

  15. Sorry M'dear I'm on catchup. A fabulous card. X


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx