Friday 6 January 2017


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday!

This week seems to have flown by rather quickly!  

I hope this isn't a sign of things to come for 2017.  I would like 2017 to be full of weeks that last as long as they did when I was about 10 .. .. a week at school seemed to last a lifetime (but to be fair things weren't as exciting then as they are now). 

It is weddings all the way for me today, so just a quick post to show you some of the work I did for Issue 161 of Quick Cards Made Easy which has now hit the shops.

My first commission was to showcase the "masking" technique and this is one of the cards from the collection:

and I also worked on a "stacked die cutting" commission

I don't normally talk about the free cover gifts .. .. I don't know why because they are always super useful .. .. and this month it is a whole set of images and sentiments for creating scenes with, along with downloadable digi papers.

This is a card I created with the set

So that is me for today

Off to make some brides happy now!


  1. Hi there Jules, all of your cards are marvellous, fabulous designs, love especially the last one with the cat peeking out of the window, Kate x

  2. A gorgeous collection of cards that you've made here Jules, I especially love the top one.

    Sue xx

  3. Beautiful selection of cards Jules.
    Sue x

  4. You've certainly been busy July's no wonder your week has flown. Three very pretty cards. Barbxx

  5. I know what you mean about time, it will soon be December and time to trim the tree again!! Love these cards your tutorials are always so inspirational xx

  6. A fabulous collection of cards Jules, they are all beautiful but I especially like the "stacked die cutting" commission.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  7. Time flies when you're having fun!! Love what you've done on these cards and just when I thought I wouldn't look out for any more magazine freebies!!

  8. Three gorgeous creations first has to be that little cutie of a dog..


  9. A gorgeous selection of cards Jules. Love them all.
    Lorraine x

  10. OMGosh Jules, your cards are amazing and so cute!!! No wonder you are the Queen of cards!!! I love the scenes you have created, I struggle with masking sometimes, but am slowing getting the hang of it...I think. lol Even as cute as your scenes are, I am totally loved your stack dies card in the middle. I just love that look and just love the simplicity of that card. Hugs, Brenda


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx