Wednesday 18 January 2017


Hi Everyone

Happy Wednesday!

Sorry for not being on my blog (or yours) for a few days.

It is all systems go on the wedding front at the moment .. .. with no time to make anything to post on my blog unfortunately .. .. and to add to the fun I have accepted a last minute stand at a wedding fayre at the weekend and am hoping to make a few new samples to take with me.

So no play time for me and no blog socialising . . but hopefully soon I will have something to share.

Mountains of cutting, die-cutting, ribbons and printing don't make for very good blog posts .. .. but do create lots of fun for me .. .. .. and very happy and excited brides (which is the very best bit)!!  

Take care everyone  -  hopefully catch you soon.


  1. Good luck with everything, and hope you have fun..

    Hugs Babs x

  2. Good luck with the Wedding Fayre. xx

  3. Wishing you success at the Wedding Fayre at the weekend Jules. Barbxx

  4. Busy, busy, busy - I hope the wedding fayre goes well - I don't know how you will fit any more work in though!

  5. Have a super time at the wedding fare dearie. Enjoy having a last minute stand. Wedding preparation takes priority Hun, we all understand that. Enjoy crafting when you get some time. Hugs xxx

  6. Have fun, Jules, with all your extra items to creae know you wont prob have time but just letting you know I did show my hand today on brushos post.. but weren't that dirty as was brayering brushos!! totally different, eh??
    Blessings on every thing for the weddings and fayre.

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  7. I know you will do great at the fair Jules!!! Weddings are big deals, so we totally understand not having time to get crafty to post to your blog. Will be right here when you do, although with me I'm mostly late to the party! lol But I do get there eventually. Hugs, Brenda


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx