Sunday 1 January 2017


Hi Everyone

Happy Sunday and happy 2017

I hope any celebratory sore heads are now starting to ease a little LOL!!

How are your new year resolution lists going?  Are they far too huge and completely unattainable just like mine?  Every year I make so many that I know I will fail on at least half of them .. .. but even if I only succeed on a few it will make me a better person than I was last year.  That can only be a good thing .. .. so I always try. 

Definitely no rash resolutions regarding my blog that's for sure.  All I promise there is to do my best for I know once all the Christmas/New Year celebrations are well and truly over my world is going to be manic once again as the 2017 Spring weddings will be kicking in .. .. alongside everything else.

But two crafty resolutions that have stuck from previous years are to continue the never ending battle to use up my mountain of snippets (offcuts) and to always put an insert into every card as I finish it and package it up.  So resolutions can become habits eventually!

So talking of snippets here are a few that I used up today

But one thing that hasn't changed is me being lazy on a Sunday and not listing my ingredients.  As always though if there is anything you would like to know then please just ask away.

My card is being entered into Pixie's Snippets Playground Challenge where we are encouraged to use up any snippets of anything .. .. be this wool, fabric, card, paper etc.

I have also added a new sketch to my little sketch library (the tab is at the top of my blog).  I used it for my card today .. .. and you are free to use it too, along with any others that are in my collection.

Wishing everyone a happy, and super crafty 2017


  1. Oh my goodness, I have that stamp and I love it but I never thought about paper piecing it, me, who loves to paper piece. It looks stunning. The whole card is absolutely fabulous and thanks for the inspiration but won't look as good as this I am sure.
    Good luck with the resolutions, I have only made one and that it NOT to buy any more Christmas related crafty goody's. !!??

    Kath x

  2. Your card is absolutely beautiful Jules and what pretty papers you've used. I really like your sketch. Thank you for sharing. Barbxx

  3. This is so pretty. Love the paper piecing and the pretty colours. Thanks for the is a good one.

  4. Thanks Jules been looking at your sketches lately, think they might of been one of your resolutions perhaps as remember the first one also a snippet. I pinned it. 😊 Love this too, and may God bless you in 2017 ...
    Thanks for sharing,
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year, Jules! X

    love Mags B x

  6. Lovely layout, colours and images. Happy New Year

  7. Such a pretty card and great for the snippets challenge. I know what you mean about popping inserts in straight away - something I try to do but sometimes I end up with a pile of them to catch up on!!

  8. Such pretty colours! Happy New Year to you both. Good luck with the resolutions.....

    Sally x

  9. A lovely card and another great sketch. I hope you have a fabulous 2017.
    Kath x

  10. What a darling card Jules - and a great sketch! Thank ou for finding time to come and play :)

    Happy 2017!


    Di xx

  11. I don't make resolutions. lol Maybe I should, but I don't. I do try to give myself little goals but not really good with them all the time either. I just try to make the year better than last. Right now, that doesn't exactly work for me either, but....we keep on keeping on! Love this card Jules, it is just beautiful!!! I too try to use up my mountains of snippets myself. And to make more than one card when I have my supplies out. So doing duplicates so I built my stash of cards up! Especially Christmas card. lol I need to catch up on your sketches! Love them! Happy New Year Jules! Hugs, Brenda

  12. I love these pinks, they are so fresh. A beautiful spring card to chase away the winter blues.
    Happy new year.

  13. Fabulous creation using pretty colours Jules.

    Happy New Year to you xxx

  14. Happy New Year Jules and this is a fab card to start with and no the pretty colours and super design. I must revisit your library when I get the chance!! xx

  15. This is so pretty Jules. Loves the gorgeous paper pieced flowers.

    I hope you had a lovely Christmas and wish you a very happy, healthy and crafty New Year.
    Lorraine x

  16. A beautiful card Jules, so pretty and fabulous new sketch.

  17. A beautiful card and I love the way it's all stitched together.

    Sue xx

  18. Beautiful card Jules, very fresh and pretty with the pink and green.

  19. Oooo what a great use of snippets, fabby paper piecing and i'm going to save and use this sketch too - so look out he he, Luv Sam x

  20. Wow! Very pretty paper-piecing! April x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx