Thursday 2 February 2017

SORRY .. .. .. I LIED !

Hi Everyone

Happy Thursday!

I hope all is well with you all .. .. and if not that it improves smartish!

Well it would seem that I lied on my previous post when I signed off by saying "see you soon" .. .. .. I have been nowhere near my blog .. .. and nowhere near making anything to post onto it!  Sorry!

My last post was telling you about the very busy wedding fayre that Mr Heart and I did nearly two weeks ago .. .. well as a result I have received lots of sample requests and still haven't caught up with them all.  But I am having the time of my life playing with my ribbons and sparkly bling as well as completing a lovely order for vellum wrapped boxed invitations.  They should be making their way to the recipients now as they were collected at the weekend by a very excited couple.

To be honest I do find it hard to switch from one type of crafting to another within the same day .. .. my days are most productive if it is all general work or all wedding work.  Must be something to do with what frame of mind I get into first thing in a morning.

So I have nothing new to share .. .. but can show you the commissions I worked on for the current issue of Quick Cards Made Easy, which has now hit the shelves.

My first card is from a collection called "Ways with Frames" - I love these download papers very, very much and will be using them lots and lots I'm sure!

and this card is from a collection using "Watercolour Pencils".  

So at least I have woken my blog up a little and you know I haven't been sitting around twiddling my thumbs.  

I can't believe January has already come and gone .. .. and those Christmas cards haven't been making their way into my Christmas stock box either.  What a rash new year promise that was .. .. .. to make a card every week!!  There are already some i.o.u. chittys (if that is how you spell it) posted into the rather empty box!!  Perhaps every i.o.u. needs to be replaced with two cards instead of one!  LOL!!

Take care everyone and today I will simply say "I'll see you when I do" because who  knows when I will have something to post .. .. we have another wedding fayre on Sunday and I haven't caught up from the last one yet!!  

The one last time was an unscheduled last minute offer for a new venue which turned out to be the best one ever .. .. whereas this Sunday has been booked for at least 6 months.

Enjoy your day . .. I hope your weather is brighter than mine here!  


  1. I bought the magazine yesterday and you've made beautiful cards for both articles.
    Kath x

  2. Fabulous cards Jules, I especially like the first one- lovely colours.
    I don't think your feet can touch the ground some days, you seem to manage to do so much! I hope the Wedding Fayre goes well.

  3. Hello Jules, lovely cards. It sounds as if 2017 is going to be busier that last year!
    Enjoy your wedding fayre. Lynn x

  4. Two bery beautiful cards Jules, fabulous designs and colours. Kate x

  5. So pleased that your last Wedding Fayre was so worthwhile and I hope the coming one will bring the same. Two great cards today, loving the die on the first and the pretty spring colours of your pencil work on the second is a reminder that spring will be along in the next couple of months!! Can't wait, floods and gales here in Dorset today and it's not looking too bright for tomorrow either...bummer!! xx

  6. Two gorgeous cards Jules.
    Hope your fair goes well on Sunday
    Lorraine x

  7. Lovely to see you Jules, great that the fayre has produced such good results so far. Hope you have a good one this weekend too. Carol x

  8. Two very pretty magazine projects. One thing is certain - I'm quite sure you won't have time to sit twiddling thumbs with your so busy schedule and it is brilliant that you get so many commissions.

  9. Beautiful cards Jules! I would think it is hard to turn off the "wedding" stuff and then go into the crafty card mode. I would be the same way. Sometimes I can't even turn of the crafty card mode! lol You do a great job on both my friend! Hugs, Brenda

  10. It sounds like you've been very busy and work must come first. I do find it gets in the way and I don't even work full time! The cards are lovely both the pretty pink and the brown and blue, which go together surprisingly well. Hope you've had another good weekend. x

  11. Oooo i so look forward to Quick Cards arriving, just to see what wonderful creations you have made this month and to see if i can do them ;-), Luv Sam x

  12. Beautiful cards as always Jules, I know what you mean about time, as a friend of mine said Time definatly has wings lol!! Glad to hear you are keeping well, even though you are very busy,
    Take care,
    Love Marjorie xxx

  13. 2 great cards jules , be glad you have a happy busy life , blog when you can . jane x

  14. Hope the wedding fayre went well Jules, pleased the last one was so positive for you. Those are both beautiful shares, I particularly love the heart with the woodgrain background. It's a stunner! xx

  15. My goodness you do lead a busy and exciting life. It sounds as if 2017 is going to be a busy one for you. These are two gorgeous cards Jules. I love the design of the first and the colouring on the second is really beautiful. Barbxx

  16. Well you did it again Jules, gorgeous cards!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx