Tuesday 28 March 2017


Hi Everyone

Happy Tuesday!

I hope your week has got off to a good start .. .. and that all you Mummies out there had a great Mother's Day on Sunday.  Mine was extra special because it was also my birthday .. . so double celebrations.  Shame I had to loose an hour of sleep though by altering the clocks!!  

So many lovely cards and presents from family and friends .. .. and a Windows 10 laptop made its way into The House of Hearts courtesy of Mr Heart.  Not that I dare even switch it on yet.  I wonder if I should get a Windows 10 for dummies book to talk me through it all? or do I qualify for Windows 10 for seniors I wonder?!!  LOL!

So far I have avoided Windows 10 like the plague and declined all the offers of free upgrades etc on my current laptop for fear of it messing up all my wedding templates etc and it not supporting all the programmes I use .. .. but my old laptop is starting to show signs of not being very happy .. .. so I guess it is time to take a leap into the unknown and slowly master Windows 10 whilst I still have the old laptop to fall back on. Oh how I hate change!

Lots for me to do on all fronts this week .. .. wedding work, magazine work and general card orders so a real mixed bag for me. Let's hope it is a long, slow week, so I can get lots done ....

But as it is Tuesday I decided to try and pull in a quick teeny, tiny card to share with you whilst my printer is on overdrive with wedding invitations .. .. and here it is . .. my little 3.5" square creation:

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "3347H" Duckling
Backing Paper:  Tinker & Co Digital "Oopsy Daisy"
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
White Gel Pen
We R Memory Keepers Envelope Punch Board

and that is me for today .. .. just a super simple make .. .. but hopefully one that somebody somewhere will be happy to receive..



  1. Cute card Jules...love your offset layering though I have to say mum duck ( I say it's a mum) is looking slightly frazzled.Great colouring!
    Happy Birthday for Sunday gone, so glad you had a good day and good luck with the new windows 10. Like you I have resisted...better the devil you know and all that but I am sure you will soon be racing ahead with it. Who knows it may make things easier in the end! Birthday hugs my friend XX

  2. Gorgeous image &'fabulous card xx

  3. A really cute image. Good luck with W10, I've just taken the plunge too but still have my trusty desktop to fall back on if necessary. One major thing I found was that my printer and scanner are not compatible with W10 - bit of a surprise there and eventually I suppose I will have to go shopping for new ones.

  4. This is so adorable! I always enjoy your teeny teny Tuesdays.

  5. A lovely card and such a sweet image. Belated birthday wishes too!
    Kath X

  6. Adorable card Jules I just love the PB stamps...love the way you've used your DSP on one corner


  7. Dear Jules, I love your beautiful cards (always looking for that heart), and your stories, so I decided to follow your blog. And yes, here in Belgium is also summertime and I miss that extra hour, as we already never have enough time for our hobby ! :o) Greetings, Enny

  8. Really cute Jules and I love the fresh colours of the paper xx

  9. A super teeny, tiny card Jules, such a sweet image.
    I have been using Windows 10 for some time now and after the initial getting to know the new layout I have to say I am really pleased with it and had very few problems - you might be pleasantly surprised, I certainly was.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. Super cute! love your layout.
    Wendy x

  11. Don't faint Jules, but I'm here commenting! lol I am finally getting my email notifications once again so here I am. I hate change too my friend. I don't do anything fancy with windows 10 so it works ok for me. I just got a new laptop too. Downloading W10 corrupted my old one and when DS went to fix it for me, that crashed it. Thank goodness I backed up my stuff! You will be good to go with the new laptop, so no worries there! Love your teeny tiny, just as cute as it can be!!! Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day my friend!!! Hugs, Brenda

  12. Belated Birthday Wishes Jules. I'm sure you will be fine with your Windows 10. Microsoft seem to have sorted out the problems we were all getting in the beginning. I hate change and am the biggest technophobe so you'll be fine.

    I love your sweet card. Loving the fresh spring colours. Barbxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx