Sunday 30 July 2017


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all had a lovely Sunday .. .. ours has been super busy, but I was able to sneak a few crafty minutes to use up some of the white card offcuts that are slowly taking over my life.

I have been trying to catch up a little in blogland as well and have been seeing lots of Christmas cards being made .. .. and I have to admit to being rather envious of the numbers some people already have piling up ready for that manic season.  My Christmas stock box hardly has any!!  Eeekkk!!

So with that in mind I decided to make a Christmas card .. .. only a teeny, tiny one .. .. but it still counts

On a Sunday I am lazy and do not list my ingredients but if there is anything you would like to know then please just ask away.

Really happy with this card and can see it being repeated quite a few times .. .. and my snippets will certainly stretch to it.

I have enjoyed being back in blogland more .. .. .. let's face it .. .. it's the nearest I get to office gossip LOL!!

Enjoy the new week that is looming.  I hope it is kind to you.


  1. A fabulous card Jules....great design. I've done the grand total of zillch Xmas cards lol. Last year I did one a week - hey ho it is what it is. Maybe next week hey. Hope you are well my dear...all is ok here this way. Love Lea x

  2. Beautiful card, Jules, lovely design. I love how you've inked the top of the snow drifts. xx

  3. It may be teeny tiny in size but it is big on WOW! A super card using up your white card snippets

  4. Lovely Christmas card Jules like the winter scene you have created and all the stitching


  5. A fantastic card Jules, I love the stitched detail on it. A great one for the box.

    Sue xx

  6. Wow, a beautiful card and a good way to use snippets ! I make one Christmas card a week (for www.52weekstochristmas), but of course you must have the time to do it. But, if you leave it until December, that's a busy month, so you better start early ! Have a nice week ! Hugs, Enny

  7. A lovely card Jules - it may be a teeny tiny card but there's loads of beautiful detail.
    Kath x

  8. Lovely small card Jules but oh so classy as usual and I love your added stitching. Get batching...I am sure this one would be a winner. My Christmas box is empty too!! xx

  9. Beautifully designed card Jules love your background and the stag is magnificent, Kate x

  10. Fabulous card and super winter scene xx

  11. What a majestic looking fellow and as usual your stitching is perfect xx

  12. It might be a teeny, tiny Christmas card Jules but it is fabulous - a super card.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  13. Must have missed this yesterday, a fabulous scene and lovely shades of blue and brown.

    Kath x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx