Thursday 24 August 2017


Hi Everyone

Happy Thursday!

Hope you have had a good day.

I seem to be having a really good week this week and getting lots done .. .. oh for every week to be like this one! 

Lots of orders crossed off the list, wedding invitations finished ready for handing over tomorrow, a baby step forward in catching up with my commenting and even a new sketch added to my sketch library at last!  Woo hoo!!  

I have a little book with sketches doodled in them ready for sharing .. .. I just need to convert them into actual images I can share with everyone.

For anyone new to my blog there is a tab under my profile picture that will show you all the sketches currently in my collection. Please feel free to use any you like the look of.

So here is the new sketch .. .. number thirty six.

Sadly there has been no time for me to actually use it today though. I hope you like it and have fun with it if you decide to have a play.

Did anyone catch Lavinia Stamps on Hochanda this morning?  It was their first ever appearance on the show .. .. an early 8.00am programme .. .. but it was super busy for them and everything was selling really quickly. There was hardly anything left by the end so come the 2.00pm slot they were taking orders with delayed delivery .. .. and even that had to be cut short. How wonderful for them.

Anyway, that is me for today.

Catch you soon


  1. Well you are certainly on a roll this week and thanks for another brilliant sketch - so handy when inspiration is needed. It was great to see Lavinia stamps doing so well with their sell outs, they have some beautiful stamps.

  2. Hi Jules, a fantastic sketch here I might just have to try this sometime. I watch the shows from Lavinia and got my order in in the first 5 minutes I'm glad to say. It's great that after so many years we finally have these wonderful stamps on the TV.

    Sue xx

  3. What a lovely sketch Jules, and great that you are getting all your jobs done ! I can't watch Hochanda (or maybe on the Internet ?), but Lavinia stamps are lovely, no wonder they sell good ! Have a wonderful weekend ! Love, Enny

  4. A super sketch Jules, thank you for sharing.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  5. Ooh, that's a good one!! Look forward to trying it out. Have a good weekend xx

  6. Hello my dear. Well done on the catching up....I've been pretty good myself this week with blogging and card making. Long may it continue. Great sketch Jules..I must have a go sometime x

  7. Thank you so much for sharing Jules. Barbxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx