Wednesday 27 September 2017


Hi Everyone

Happy Wednesday!

I hope all is well with everyone .. .. and if not that it improves smartish!!

All systems go still here for the House of Hearts .. .. hence my absence from blogland for far too long. Not sure when it is all going to calm down for me .. .. but all is good and exciting. 

New "happy couples" are arriving on the scene and that dreaded season that involves Christmas is looming at a super fast rate of knots!  So many Christmas cards in the shops already .. .. and still my box is far too empty!!  Eeekk!!

Mr Heart is on a week's annual leave which has caused chaos to my normal routine .. .. but he has taken me to see the fabby Joel Dommett at Chester (what a great laugh that was) and today has seen us seeking out new ribbon colours ready for a huge wedding fayre that is happening a week on Sunday.

What do you think to my new ribbon colour choices .. .. along with a  huge piece of hessian which is a theme bride and grooms are still loving?  

Personally I just love that Rose Gold colour which seems to be all the craze everywhere at the moment!

If I was getting married to Mr Heart all over again I don't know what I would choose from my wedding collection though .. .. I love it all .. .. and yet it is so diverse.  There is something for the rustic barn wedding, the fairytale princess bride, the traditional but no frills or bling wedding and the lace and romance theme and still I can't choose my favourite.  

I can't even pick my favourite colour.

Thank goodness I am not working for anyone as indecisive as me!  LOL!!. 

Hopefully things will soon be back to some resemblance of order here.  But I am guessing Mr Heart is going to have to return to work first!!  

Take care and hopefully I will catch you soon.


  1. Love that teal blue Jules!!...and the rose gold...and ...!!! Indecisive that's me! Good job I am not one of your customers. Hope you enjoyed a few days with hubby...but they do upset the routine don't they!! promise to e-mail soon. Hugs xx

  2. A lovely bundle here Jules, really love the rose gold and the teal coloured ribbons and that hessian would go great on some mixed media projects I have in mind too.

    Sue xx

  3. It is of course good to be busy but life does seem to go headlong sometimes!! Love the tumble of ribbons and you are right rose gold certainly seems to be 'in'.

  4. It sounds like you have been enjoying yourself Jules, gorgeous colours - they all go so well with the hessian. It's lovely that the happy couples can choose almost any colours/theme that they like now - I don't think I would have been able to choose hessian when me and hubby got married!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  5. Hello Jules, the ribbons are gorgeous, especially the rose gold. I think colours sometimes are dictated by time of the year the wedding is happening.
    Mine was very Scottish with tartan and Alistair wore a dress kilt with lots of green in the plaid with his jacket being dark green it suited our big day in November. Iwas lucky enough to find a dress with a dark green velvet bodice and cream silk skirt which matched my Groom perfectly, in fact I love my dress so mych I didn't want to take it off. Oh the memories!!, Kate x

  6. Love the Rose gold too, the silvery one looks good too and the narrow turquoise.
    Will be awol after tomorrow so if you don't hear from me you know why.

    Kath x

  7. Gorgeous ribbons Jules...I love the teal most but they are all beautiful :) Glad you are busy with work but still managing to spend some quality time with Mr Heart too.
    Hugs Kaz xx

  8. It's al so beautiful Jules, I can't choose either ! So nice that you had a lovely outing with your husband, and of course, that you still have plenty of wedding jobs, but I wish you more time for yourself. Love, and hopefully a nice, calm Sunday ! Enny

  9. I just love ribbons. mr B is going to paint my craft room and I think it's going to be teal as I love the colour. So I guess the teal ribbon is what I like. Glad to hear you're busy. Take care. Lea x

  10. All your creations are just stunning!!! I really like the Rose Gold too. Looks very nice and elegant.

  11. I don't have any idea what is popular at the moment but your ribbons all look beautiful. It sounds as if you are in for an exciting time with so many different themes to work on. Barbxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx