Tuesday 17 October 2017


Hi Everyone

Happy Tuesday!

No teeny, tiny make from me this week .. .. .. .. all my time has been scheduled for wedding and magazine work .. .. which is likely to keep me amused for the rest of this year and beyond judging by the orders and emails that are coming through.  But don't worry I will be trying hard to pull in and share with you some of those much needed Christmas makes too!

But for now I will share, as promised yesterday, my makes from the current issue of Quick Cards Made Easy, which is now on the shelves.

I was very lucky to be asked to work on a few commission and these are my favourites from each commission:

The first one I will share uses the free gift .. .. which is a rigid plastic template and scoring tool along with free papers and toppers.  Great for making little filled gift boxes for hanging on the tree or even lining up to create a completely different type of advent calendar.  You could simply tie numbered tags to the little boxes! No glue needed, you just draw around the template, score the fold lines then cut and thread the little tags at the top through the slits you cut.

 The little box below was made for hanging on a tree

My second commission was to make Festive Bookmark cards.  I really enjoyed this commission and with knowing lots of avid book readers I think bookmark cards will be featuring in my card making a little more.  Of course all cards in the commission showed different styles of bookmarks .. .. but this was my favourite overall finished look.

My third commission saw me playing with the fabulous Mockingbird Hill dies from Sheena Douglas to make Festive Scene cards.  I glued my card elements inside an acetate fronted shadow box style card.  There were concertina style sides so that the different elements could be glued in a variety of positions to give the card some depth.

I actually saw Sheena on TV with the dies after I had finished my makes .. .. and she likened the dies to the Fuzzy Felts she used to play with as a child.  I knew exactly what she meant.  I spent many a happy hour playing with my Fuzzy Felts - mixing the sets together to make strange scenes  . .. ..  as you do!. LOL!! 

 So there we go .. .. a few makes for you to see today.

Must fly now though as my coffee break is over and I need to return to card cutting duties ahead of a major printing session this afternoon.

Take care everyone and have a lovely day.


  1. Is that hubby I spy wielding a big stick?...back to work Jules!!..oh that was yesterday!...lol. Seriously I love your makes...I have the magazine and have seen your fabulous articles. Fuzzy felt...I only had one... a circus but I remember it well :) xx

  2. Stunning makes Jules, I love the little gift box, perfect for the tree and I love the two cards too.

    Sue xx

  3. Great magazine projects, loving them all in different ways.

  4. Oh my goodness Jules what beautiful makes, I Love each of them, such a lovely little gift box, the papers and design for the bookmark card is fabulous, now the Christmas scene is stunning, beautifully designed, Kate x

  5. Gorgeous projects Jules, love the treat box especially :)
    Hugs Kaz xx

  6. Super makes Jules, I love the little gift box - so pretty. Fabulous cards, bookmark cards would make super little Christmas gifts and I love the brilliant scene you have created.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  7. Gorgeous makes Jules and sounds like you have a busy time ahead. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  8. Three fabulous creations, love all the embellishments on the little box.
    Great idea with the bookmark card.
    A fabulous scene with the happy snowman too.
    We went to Ibiza.

    Kath x

  9. Oh my word Jules you've been busy. I absolutely love love love the box - it is gorgeous. Your other two makes are fabulous too. I love the bookmark idea just my cup of tea dear. Loads of love my fabulous very supportive blogging buddy. Xxxx

  10. Wow, you have made such beautiful creations ! The box is lovely, and I love the bookmark card ! The Christmas scene is absolutely gorgeous ! I'm so glad for you, that you have enough "jobs" for the rest of the year, but don't forget to take time for yourself , and your husband ! And I absolutely understand, that you have little time for your blog or other blogs :o) Love, Enny

  11. Your creations are beautiful Jules, but I'm glad that you took some time out with your husband. Despite lots of work, you have to think of yourself sometimes. And don't worry, about not having time for other blogs, we'll understand ! :o) Love, Enny

  12. Those weddings keep you very busy Jules! Which is a good thing. I love your makes but my favorite are the card with bookmark and the little box with that template, how fun is the boxes?!! Hugs, Brenda

  13. Hello Jules, it's me, do you remember me?! I can't watch The Apprentice without smiling and thinking of you! I have just seen one of your makes on Pinterest when I was perusing for ideas for my son in laws birthday card so took advantage of popping over to see you. I am SO thrilled to see you busy with your beautiful weddings, that is fabulous news to read as I remember way back when you were still working and thinking of going for it, how great that you did and with such amazing creations too.
    I am much the same apart from both daughters married and having produced each a beautiful Grandson for me so I am in 7th heaven in love with them. We are hoping to move to Bournemouth next year to be closer to one of them (can't possibly afford to go to where the other lives as she is only a few miles out of London!) and that will be just the tonic I need.
    Have you had your annual Tag night with the family yet?! Isn't it funny the things you remember but I guess that is because I was so wishing I had a closeness with one of my sisters as you do, cherish it Jules, you never know what the future holds.
    How are your sons doing? Is one still down South?
    Anyway, I hope one day you get a spare moment to drop me a line (its my name in lowercase at sky dot com) but I know you are super busy!
    I will go and enjoy a short browse over your beautiful makes now before I get back to making my card!
    Hope you are both well, lots of love
    Keryn xxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx