Wednesday 3 January 2018


Hi Everyone

Happy Wednesday!

I hope you are all well and recovering from all those celebrations.

We arrived back home Monday afternoon after spending Christmas/New Year with the London Kids and our youngest Son.  All the family together .. .. yay!!!

So now it is time to start getting my head around all that needs to be done now I am home again.

I don't know about you but I do love the feeling of calm once things start to settle down again.  It makes me feel like I have lots of time on my hands .. .. which of course is never true!  This then leads to me making plans and promises in my head as to what I want to achieve in the coming year.  

Anyway, what better way to start my blog posting for 2018 than using one of the new sketches I added to my library over the Christmas break.  

So here we go:

This used:

Image:  Penny Black "4082H" To Cake Moment
Sentiment:  Pink Petticoat (sorry no longer available)
Backing Papers:  Papermania "Exquisite" Paper Collection (very old)
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
My Trusty Sewing Machine 
Iridescent Cord
Sketch Number "Thirty Seven" from my little sketch library

So here we are three days into the sparkly new year and already I have broken one of my new year resolutions.  I vowed to be in bed before midnight throughout the week .. .. so what time did I fall into bed last night .. .. 1.30am .. .. and it wasn't even as if I had fallen asleep on the settee!!

But I have worked on another of my resolutions which is to use up some of the half used paper stacks I have.  Today's card used a bit of one such paper pad and others have started disappearing by being used to make small envelopes for my teeny, tiny cards.

Oh well .. .. one broken and one worked on so that makes things even LOL!!!

Catch you again soon.


  1. Such a sweet card Jules, fabulous colours and design. Like you I'm pleased to get back to normal,Kate x

  2. An adorable little hedgie and the layout is great for using up paper pad remnants - I have a 'few' (who am I kidding 'lots' more like it)

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful family Christmas Jules. A gorgeous card and wonderful sketch too.

    Sue xx

  4. Nobody is perfect Jules, but you're doing well with your resolutions ! What a gorgeous card, lovely stamp and beautiful paper ! Yes, I'm glad that everything is "back to normal" :o)
    Have a nice day and all the best ! Hugs, Enny

  5. Good morning and welcome home! So glad you had a good Christmas and New year. No doubt it seems ages ago now. I love your card, the colours are so soft and gentle and of course a penny Black cute as they all are.I must remember your library of sketches when inspiration is avoiding me. I've made intentions this year...not! Ask me this time next year if I managed to carry any out! Hugs xx

  6. Absolutely adorable, Love the PB hedgie and lovely papers. Must try and use my old paper stacks up this year too. Happy new year xx

  7. A gorgeous card and your sewing always looks so neat. It puts mine to shame x

  8. A fabulous card Jules, such a sweet image and pretty papers.
    Thank you for the super new sketches.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  9. Hi Jules. Fab to see ŷou blogging. I love this sketch and what you've done with it. Great card my friend. Glad you had a good Christmas. I survived Christmas but unfortunately have been feeling a bit strange for the last few days...probably overdone It I think. I've had a good rest today so feeling a bit more human this evening. Onwards and upwards hey. Lovely to see you anyway xxx

  10. This is gorgeous Jules, love the cute Pb stamp and soft colours.
    Lorraine x

  11. Another fabulous card, Jules, you can't go wrong with a sweet PB hedgie! The pastel papers are gorgeous, too.

    Happy New Year!

    love Mags B x

  12. Another fabulous card Jules... stunning image ... love those papers...
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  13. Wonderful card Jules, love the pretty papers
    Hugs Kaz xxx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx