Sunday 21 January 2018


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend.

Did you get any snow today?

Mr Heart and I were at a wedding fayre at Eastwood Hall but as it is a few miles from where we live we decided to sleep over last night so as to make the day less stressful.

But as we were setting up early this morning the snow began .. .. 

The picture doesn't really make everywhere look as magical as it was .. .. you can just about make out the snowflakes .. .. probably taking the picture through a glass window didn't help.

We did wonder whether folk would actually turn out in it .. .. .. but we needn't have worried .. .. .. I don't think anything keeps a bride away from a wedding fayre.  It was certainly busy and we met some really lovely couples.

Thankfully the snow had just about melted when it was time to come home.  It might look nice and magical through a hotel window .. .. but I don't think is is so exciting through a car window!

Back home now absolutely shattered and with a sore throat from all that talking and laughing.  I think I had better soothe it a little with a drop of something good!!!  LOL!!

So now all that prepping, packing, exhibiting and unpacking is over with we will wait and see what this week brings.

Enjoy the rest of your evening and I hope the week is going to be a good one for you.


  1. It looks like a fabulous location Jules, I'm so pleased that everyone still turned up after all of your preparation and hard work - I think you could have another busy week ahead!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  2. Yes we had the snow this Morning but by about 2.30 it turned to rain. Glad it didn't put your happy couple off and hope you get lots of orders.

    Kath x

  3. Hi Jules and a belated Happy New Year.
    Glad the snow didn't stop play for you, we had some snow too but it didn't bother laying prettily for me to photograph! Carol x

  4. Wow, such a lovely picture, and great that, despite the snow, your fayre was a success ! We didn't have any snow here in Antwerp, but it's raining now... Hugs, Enny

  5. Looks lovely Jules, I hope your day was succesful and I think a drop of "something" is in order, Kate x

  6. Sounds like you had a great weekend Jules. Hope that your sore throat has disappeared today.

    Sue xx

  7. The best place for snow is either in a ski resort or a photograph - not too keen on the reality especially if you have to be out and about. I seem to have missed a few of your latest posts which for some reason haven't been appearing at the top of my sidebar 'list'. Super cards as always and congratulations on the Design Team spot with Digistamps.

  8. What a beautiful photograph Jules, perfect for a winter wedding!! I am a little disappointed that the snow hasn't come this far south, although historically we tend to get it in February around my Birthday so fingers crossed!! xx

  9. Glad they turned up Jules. Looks lovely. X


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx