Sunday 4 March 2018


Hi Everyone

Happy Sunday!

How is your snow doing?  We still have some here and were given an extra sprinkling overnight. 

Yesterday I noticed a new challenge that has been added to Bonnie and Loll''s challenge collection called "CAS Christmas Card Challenge" where the theme for this month is "Holly".  

I must admit that I am not very comfortable with doing CAS .. .. all that white space scares me .. .. but only when I see it on my own work for some reason.  I admire the CAS look that other crafters create and share very much.  

So in an attempt to wean myself off all the layers and papers here is a card I have made for this first challenge.

This used:

Image and sentiment:  Digistamp Boutique "Christmas Frames"
X-Cut:  Small Polka Dot Embossing Folder
Dashed Square Die
Glossy Accents
Glamour Dust
Glitter Card

So another Christmas card to add to my collection .. .. and a flat one at that!!

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.


  1. love the sprakle brings your eye into the centre

  2. Our snow has almost gone...just the snowdrifts left!! I know what you mean about CAS, however, you seem to have got the idea with this fabulous card!! Love the subtle sparkle xx

  3. Wow, your CAS card is beautiful Jules, mission accomplished I would say ! Here in our part of Belgium, the snow has melted, and it was a bit sunny today. Seems next week will be mild. I do hope that you get nice weather in Britain, we all long for Spring ! Greetings, Enny

  4. Beautifully designed card Jules, love the image and the brilliant colouring, Kate x

  5. Absolutely beautiful, Jules! The colours and the touches of glitter look fabulous against all the crisp white!

    love Mags B x

  6. Your post made me smile Jules, I feel exactly the other peoples CAS card, but struggle to do them myself. Your card is gorgeous, love the touch of glitter. Snows almost gone now. Sue x

  7. I get where you're coming from Jules on the CAS thing. However this card is great. Xmas is one time I try to do simpler cards for quickness. Fab job dear x

  8. This is super Jules...classy and CAS! xx

  9. A beautiful Christmas card Jules, a fabulous CAS design.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. I'm exactly the same with CAS cards. I love to see them but they never look right when I do them... must try harder eh.. ha ha. I a man loving your card. It is so striking and pretty with minimum layers. Stay cosy Hun. Hugs xx

  11. Gorgeous Jules. Love the dotty embossing and the touch of sparkle...Sally-Ann x

  12. What a fabulous CAS card, Jules! I love the design.

    After being advised by the police yesterday to only travel if absolutely necessary because of the treacherous road conditions, almost all the snow melted in just a few hours today. Hopefully spring is on is way! xx

  13. I've always loved your cards, Jules! This is no exception! Beautiful holly! Love the sparkle too! Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Christmas Card Challenge!

  14. Beautiful card Jules, love the cute button and hint of glitter. I have been doing more CAS cards lately and must admit the more I do the more I enjoy making them...although I still love my pretty papers too !
    Hugs Kaz xx

  15. Wonderful CAS design Jules!! Love the dry embossed polka-dot background and your gorgeous holly panel. The glitter dusting adds so much sparkly! Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Christmas!

  16. A fantastic card Jules, I love the colour of the glitter card that is peeking out from the topper.

    Sue xx

  17. beautiful card Jules...such pretty details you added as well.
    xx Karen

  18. Super card Jules! I might have a go at this but I'm not sure I'll be able to stay away from embellishments, foam pads and patterns!

    Our snow is all but gone and it's been positively Spring-like in Surrey.

  19. CAS is harder than it looks, you've done a lovely job

    Anne x

  20. I'd never have guessed CAS wasn't your thing, this is an awesome CAS card. love the simplicity of the stamp and the texture of embossed background. Thanks for joining us at CAS Christmas :)

  21. Beautiful card,Jules.Love the glitter.


  22. We had snow again this morning...luckily it didn't last long!
    Love the Christmas card and all the sparkle.
    Lorraine x

  23. Brilliant CAS card and love the sparkly Holly. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  24. Beautiful, sparkly card, Jules! I love the sparkly green paper behind your holly layer. I see lots of white so you did wonderfully! Isn't it amazing how CAS can be daunting? I have that problem too sometimes. Thanks for playing with us in the first CAS Christmas Challenge this month!

  25. YourCAS card is lovely I too struggle with this type of card. I did manage to make a card for the challenge though, but see all my mistakes in hindsight!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx