Saturday 12 May 2018


Hi Everyone

I hope you have had a good Saturday.

I spent some of mine tidying up my very messy craft pod and then had a quick play with some of the new releases from the lovely Sally-Ann at DigiStamp Boutique .. .. and with Father's Day looming in the distance I created these projects using a couple of quick print pre-coloured sentiments that are simply for printing and layering .. .. or even printing direct to your card base.  What could be quicker?!?

So my first card used Special Dad Square

and the second one Special Dad Circle

Each design come in four colours .. .. red, blue, green and brown .. .. and you get all four! 

Once they were finished I was whisked away to a local beer and sausage festival and as we got home again I sat down to watch a bit of tv and apparently nodded off before I got to posting up my creations!  Shame on me.

Must have been something to do with that yummy black beer and raisin wine I drank! LOL!!

Never mind, better late than never (and it is definitely late!).  Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone and thanks for calling by.


  1. Wonderful cards Jules, will definitely have to check these out ! Sounds like you had a fun afternoon :)
    Hugs Kaz xx

  2. Sometimes we all need a quick card and these are very effective. Pleased to hear you had a nice evening out and a nice doze when you got back!!

  3. What lovely cards for a Dad, really special ! And how nice that you had such a great evening, you deserve it ! I wish you a very lovely Mother's Day ! Enny

  4. These are lovely Jules, great designs. A sausage and beer festival sounds fantastic, it must have been exhausting trying them all!! xx

  5. A sausage and beer festival, sounds good to me.
    Both cards are brilliant Jules, super designs for a Dad, Kate x

  6. I am going to check these out as I type! Great cards Jules. x

  7. Fabulous cards Jules, perfect for our Father's day cards - a few of this months release managed to fall into my basket this morning!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  8. Wonderful (and welcome) male inspiration for those hard to make cards

    I never seem to get far when I start tidying my craft stuff, I end up just looking through and finding things I forgot I had!

    Anne x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx