Saturday 16 June 2018


Good morning Everyone  .. .. happy weekend!

A while back (even before my Mum was taken poorly) I was asked if I would like to do a commission for Issue 179 of Papercraft Inspirations .. .. using their cover gift .. .. and of course I jumped at the chance.

What a fabulous cover gift is was too.

As with all things magazine wise they work months in advance and although I worked on the commission .. .. what feels like a lifetime ago now .. .. the magazine is still in our local shops but I am guessing that Issue 180 won't be far off being released.

This is one of the projects I created for them and shows the inside and the outside of a bookfold style card:

I really enjoyed the commission and this is the fabby free Oriental inspired gift I used.

Spoilt for choice as to what to use first!!

So that is me for today .. ..  and now I am changing into wedding mode!  Lots of card cutting, printing and ribbon tying to get through this weekend!

Who would have thought all those years ago that what started as a lovely little hobby would turn into a "real job".

Enjoy your weekend everyone.


  1. I might just have to stray into a newsagent's magazine department to see if they have this one - what a lovely project and such pretty colours too. It is always good if the 'day job' is one you love doing especially if it has developed from a hobby.

  2. Lovely orential cards Jules....


  3. Wow Jules.....that’s a piece of art! Just absolutely fabulous. Love how you've used the stamps and the colours and detail are truly stunning! Sally-Ann xx

  4. Wow, I just bought the magazine at the International Magazine Store in Antwerp, still have to read it, but your creation is absolutely wonderful ! And your beautiful creations are also the reason, that you are very busy with the "wedding job", but as long as you love to do it, keep on going ! Enny

  5. Love the design Jules and the papers are gorgeous too. A brilliant card. I am in a similar position, as I fund raise for a local charity. I supply cards for an outlet and I make all my shabby chic homewares, including clocks and gifts and sell them at craft fayres. Next Saturday, I am up at 6am to go to a fayre and set up by 9.30!! But I do also meet up with lots of friends at the fayres. Happy Sunday, Hugs, Carol S.xx

  6. Absolutely stunning Jules.

    Kath x

  7. Wow Jules, this is a stunning book card! I love this magazine and wish we did something like this in the states. How fun to have a magazine with crafty goodies inside?! Jules, you are so talented and I can see why the magazine wanted to commission you! Hugs, Brenda

  8. A beautiful card Jules, a great card fold and lovely rich colours - I must have a go at this design.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  9. I love this oriental themed card Jules cute and stylish at the same time xx


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Love Jules xx