Monday 16 July 2018


Hi Everyone

Happy Monday!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. 

Mine was weddings all the way!  A final collection saw my journey with one "happy couple" come to a close.  That always feels quite sad as we do build up such a lovely relationship .. .. this particular couple I have been working with for quite a while now and I can remember their first enquiry as if it was yesterday!  Time really does fly!

Their happy day is very close now .. ..  I am just hoping the sunshine is going to stay around for them.

So once everything had left the house for that wedding, I unpacked my next set of boxes and spent my time progressing the next wedding - working on the dining room table with the patio door and windows open.  I love it when the doors are open and the garden feels like an extension of the house.  A glance to the right lets you see the summer flowers and the birds feeding and drinking.  Simple pleasures!

I am on the final stages of this wedding too .. .. so everything for the Church service and the reception is left to complete and then that will be "bye-bye and happy wedding day" to another lovely couple.

I do love my wedding work and have been deliberating as to whether I dare do the next two wedding fayres I have paid deposits on.  My time is still being shared between home and Mum and to be honest I don't think our routine now will ever change.  Mum is possibly as strong as she is going to get.. .. but that is wonderful .. .. she has fought hard to get back to where we are and I am very proud of her.  Lots of folk would have just given in and sat there moaning.  But she is made of strong stuff and usually manages to surprise me most weeks with something new she has achieved.  I feel we may always be going on our "wheelchair excursions" but that is fine.  It is good exercise for me .. .. and I do need some!!  Just a bit worried about the days that winter will bring .. .. I might have to exchange the wheelchair for a sledge!!  Now there's a thought.  LOL!!  

Anyway, time for today's share .. .. which is a thank you card I am going to ask Sally-Ann if she would kindly add  to the DigiStamp Boutique Facebook Page.

I have decided that with everything else that is happening at the moment continuing on the DT with DigiStamp Boutique is going to be rather difficult for the time being.  There is so much wedding work looming that it isn't fair to remain on a DT if you can't give 100%.  

I don't do Facebook .. .. for some reason I avoid it like the plague .. .. so I can't reply and thank people personally.  That is why I have made a parting thank you card for all the lovely visitors who have called by there and acknowledged my projects that have been posted.

So my last official DT card might have been posted .. .. .. but don't worry.   I will still be creating with Sally-Ann's gorgeous images and sentiments .. .. I love them too much to stop .. .. and she knows she is free to lift them from my blog if there are any she wants to share.  It will just be a case of me creating when I get chance.  I am very fortunate in that the door has been left open for me to return to the DT (thank you xx) .. .. so it doesn't feel quite as sad and painful as it might.  Just a bit sad and painful!

So here we go:

This used:

Image:  Digistamp Boutique "Truffle Heart"
Sentiment:  Digistamp Boutique - one of the sentiment in the "Special Occassions Messages" Set.  I used it (along with a heart) to create a sentiment sheet of backing paper
Backing Papers:  Make and Create - Mix & Match "Sweet Garden Roses"
Sizzix Die "658226" Botanical Flourish (treated to a few layers of clear embossing powder)
Hobby & You:  Flower Punch
Do Crafts Punch:  Flower Doily
Josy Rose:  Nail Heads
My Trusty Sewing Machine
Crystal Glamour Dust
Worn Lipstick Distress Ink
and an un-branded tag die from E-Bay.

.. .. and that is me for today.

Back to the wedding work for a little while now .. .. 170 hearts to stick down!!  LOL!! and I also need to get in touch with a new bride that I have been recommended to.  Can't wait to learn who the kind person is that recommended me!  See .. .. there are still kind people in the world!

Enjoy the rest of the evening.  It is looking like we might be going to get a few drops of the "wet stuff" .. .. which the garden will be very grateful for.

Hopefully catch you again soon.


  1. What a lovely card for Sally-ann, she will be delighted and sad in equal measure. I have loved seeing your samples for DSB before and during your DT term and shall continue to do so after I am sure!! xx

  2. He's a very cute little bear and love the design. Pleased to hear your Mum has improved and you can get bit more exercise!! That's the only down side of doing what we do.....sitting on our backsides too much!! Hugs, Carol S.xx

  3. A super card Jules, such a sweet image and lovely papers. I'm so pleased to hear that your Mum is doing well, the winter always makes it difficult to get out and about, I usually end up taking my Mum to our local shopping centre to get her out of the house - fortunately it is completely covered.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  4. Beautiful card, Jules. Lovely design and I love the cute image. xx

  5. What a lovely and cute Thank you card, so beautiful ! And just like you, I'm NOT on Facebook, don't want to do it ! I'm so glad, you are busy with your Wedding job and still love it ! And your mother is so brave to keep trying and achieving things. It must be nice, going on a walk with her, but indeed, in Winter, it will be difficult... This evening, we had the first rain in 2 months, my rain butts are full again ! All the best ! Enny

  6. Pouring down here as I type Jules, had a bit of thunder to earlier, it has been weeks and weeks since any rain so it is very welcome.
    A super card, pretty papers and a great image and the black looks really great.
    I hate facebook.
    Good luck with your next project.

    Kath x

  7. Jules i was sad to read this was your last on facebook and reading your post totally understand cant say i am massive fan of facebook too but do what i have to for dt and thats it. So pleased to read the door is left open and you never know one day you might have more time. lovely card always well designed and coloured. Now as for a sledge and winter you need get a big fluffy dog to help you. lol Take care

  8. Jules, so love this adorable card. You sure know how to make them look gorgeously CUTE.XX

  9. Just love your adorable little bear Jules he's coloured so beautifully..


  10. So super sweet! I love the paper you used and how glossy you've made the embellishments. Good luck with all your wedding work!

  11. Glad to hear that you mum is a fighter Jules! That is what it takes, someone who keeps pushing them self and she sounds like she does. That is wonderful and I know you will sort it all out once winter arrives. With this fickle weather who knows what winter will bring...could be a mild one. Loving your sweet card and that adorable image. The black just makes it all pop so pretty! We all love your too and know you will create when you can, so will always be around to see your creations! The wedding work sounds so rewarding and I'm so glad you have it, I know you are very good at it or you wouldn't be super busy with wedding stuff! Those wedding couples are very lucky to have you as you are a very special lady! Hugs, Brenda

  12. A cute card Jules, a lovely image and great design. I'm glad to hear your mum is doing well - and your wedding work too!
    Kath x

  13. What a sweet image made into a really pretty card. I don't do FB either but it seems nowadays as if we miss quite a bit by not doing so but I doubt I will be swayed.

  14. So glad to hear your Mum is doing well Jules. Enjoy those outings while you can. Wow your business is flying mrs, and it sounds like you are really enjoying it. Design Teams are great but they do demand your time. I'm dithering about a few I am on too at the minute. I love your gorgeous cards below, think I did spy it on fb but hadn't realised it was yours. Fresh air while you craft sounds like the best deal, enjoy it!!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx