Sunday 30 September 2018


Hi Everyone

Big apologies for my rather long absence from blogland .. .. and continued apologies because I am not likely to be back in a hurry!

The weddings are manic and those alongside my magazine commissions have been keeping me ultra busy whilst still helping Mum (who is continuing to do well but does still need some TLC on a regular basis .. .. like we all do!!).

Quite a few weddings have come and gone over the last few weeks and I have had the pleasure of meeting lots of new couples too.

Mr Heart and I did a wedding fayre a month ago and I am still getting enquiries following on from that as well as taking orders on the day .. .. .. but we also have another one booked for next Sunday .. .. and my brain is buzzing with new ideas I want to put into action to take with us.  

We did escape for a few days last week to re-charge our batteries so fingers crossed this week time is going to go ultra slow and my re-charged energy levels will make it a super productive one. All so very exciting!  

But sadly my blog is suffering and I haven't been making anything I can share .. .. sorry!!

Thank you to everyone who has emailed to make sure all is well though.  I promise it is.

But now it is time for some sad news .. .. after today Sally-Ann's Digistamp Boutique images are no longer going to be available anywhere .. .. .. boo hoo hoo!  I am gutted.

I love, love, love Sally-Ann's work so much and I am going to miss using and seeing new images and sentiments pop up very very much!

I have done a lovely top up of Sally-Ann's gorgeous images from the LOTV website and was hoping to have shared some of the new ones here before everything folds .. .. but sadly that wasn't to be .. .. time just hasn't allowed it.

So instead I will share one of my favourite cards which I made when I was super happy to be on Sally-Ann's DT

This uses one of the gorgeous mermaid images .. .. and describes Sally-Ann perfectly


Thank you Sally-Ann for having shared your talent with everyone for so long and for being such a lovely caring and kind person.  If only the world could be filled with more people like you.

So .. .. if anyone else needs to "top up" before midnight then click quickly over to here lots of  special offers.

Take care all my lovely blog buddies .. .. I hope all is well with you.


  1. I loved this card the first time I saw it Julie and still love it.
    I too will miss Sally-Anne's gorgeous images - so sad.
    Glad to hear your re busy with all your wedding work and that your Mum is continuing to improve.
    Lorraine x

  2. Glad to hear you are ok!! I just thought you were spending more time with your Mum, also summer is big wedding time. Love your card and a very pretty image. Don't work too hard!! Hugs, Carol S.xxxx

  3. Glad to hear that you are OK Jules, just super busy. Also glad to hear that your Mum is still getting better too. I love this beautiful image that you've used on this gorgeous card.

    Sue xx

  4. Beautiful card, Jules, love the addition of the pearls. Such a shame that the Digistamp Boutique stamps will no longer be available, love their designs. It seems that a few online digi stamps stores are closing down. :-( xx

  5. A beautiful card Jules. It sounds like you're having a busy time but make sure you have a bit of 'me-time' too!
    Kath x

  6. Dear Jules, I'm so glad you're alright, although very busy.... Your card is lovely, so sad, that Sally-Ann has to stop. I heard from other companies, Pink Gem Designs and supposedly, even LOTV ?! So sorry, is it because of the Brexit ??? Then I wish, you all would stay with us, but of course I'm not a politician.... Wish you all the best, lots of success and of course I keep on following you ! Hugs, Enny

  7. hello Jules! Glad to hear that you are OK and keeping out of mischief by being busy! Cute mermaid and just highlights how sad it is that DSB has gone. Take care, and stay busy and well! x

  8. I loved this card before and I love it as much now Jules! It is a beautiful card and such an adorable imagine. I'm sorry you won't be able to play with newer ones anymore. It's always sad to see such talented and lovely people "retire" their talents. Life is busy Jules and you have nothing to apologize for! You have a thriving business and caring for an aging mum-that is more than enough to keep you supper busy!!! Then add in the magazine commissions and I don't know how you even begin to get it all done my friend. You blog when you can and when you can't we will be right here waiting until you can. So happy to hear your mum is still doing well my friend. Hugs, Brenda

  9. Hello Jules Good to hear that you are keeping busy with your wedding business and that your mum is still doing well.
    I love your card and the gorgeously sweet image, and I love your pretty embellishment too, Kate x

  10. Nice to see you back Jules with such a pretty card. I know what you mean, there aren't enough hours in a day at the moment!
    It is very sad to see DSB and LOTV digis disappearing :(
    Anne x

  11. Thanks for the update Jules, I'm so pleased that your Mum is still doing well and that you have only been absent due to being super busy - long my it continue as long as you are happy and healthy.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  12. She is gorgeous sweetie I love your colour choices too, hugs Pops x

  13. Beautiful card,Jules.Love the sweet mermaid.Beautiful design too.


  14. Wonderful card Jules and such a sweet image. Real shame about so many digi-stamps being discontinued.

    So nice to find a moment to hop in and see what you're up to - and to know your Mum is doing well!

    Take care


    Di xx

  15. This is such a beautiful card, Jules. The mermaid is so pretty and your card even more so.

  16. Such a precious card and oh so pretty!


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx