Tuesday 6 November 2018


Hi Everyone

Happy Tuesday .. .. I hope you are all well?

I don't know about you but I am not very impressed with these dark evenings!  Nothing looks right once natural daylight disappears does it?

Today I decided it was time to drag myself away from the weddings .. .. kicking and screaming .. .. and head to the general craft desk and my Christmas supplies.  

No-where near enough Christmas makes done .. .. .. I think I have been enjoying myself far too much with the weddings and magazines!!

Super popular at the moment are invitations that involve the soft gold glitter card and matching gems that I have used on my teeny tiny 3.5" square creations below.  

Working with this card means that my world (and face) has been super glittery for weeks and weeks  LOL!! .. .. .. .. and is going to continue to be glittery for some time to come!! In fact for some years to come because I have couples who aren't getting married until 2020 who want me to work with this card on their stationery! 

and whilst at it I made four

These used:

Sentiment: Penny Black "30-140" Clear Sentiment Set "Christmas Cheer"
Backing Paper:  Christmas Paper Pad from The Works
First Edition:  Nesting Doily Dies
Gold Embossing Powder
Small snowflakes .. .. the leftovers from using the Memory Box Snowflake Heart Die
Those lovely pale gold gems 
My Trusting Sewing Machine

So that is me for today .. .. making a little headway on Christmas and now I am going to chip away at my accounts.  Sadly I even enjoy doing those!!  LOL!!

Many thanks to everyone who still pops into my blog to see what I am up to and those who send emails.  You are far better blog buddies than I am at the moment.  I'm so sorry .. .. currently time just doesn't seem to be my friend :-(  Perhaps Santa will deliver me a super-sized box of it this year!?!?!?  Wouldn't that be nice?

.. .. .. .. and for those who have been asking after my lovely Mum.  She had a little relapse a couple of weeks ago but we seem back on track again now.  So much so that over two days we have done nearly all of her Christmas shopping!!  I hope we get round to mine once Mum's is complete LOL!!!

I am going to be trying hard to post up Christmas makes all through November so I will hopefully be here again tomorrow.


  1. Dear Jules, your cards are absolutely beautiful, so lovely with all the glitter ! I'm glad, that you're enjoying your wedding-job, and you don't have to apologize for being busy. I wish you, your family and especially your mother all the best ! Hugs, Enny

  2. Absolutely stunning cards Jules, lovely colours and design, love the glitter daily and the gorgeous ribbon. Pleased to hear that your mum is back on track health wise,Kate x x

  3. Absolutely stunning cards Jules, lovely colours and design, love the glitter daily and the gorgeous ribbon. Pleased to hear that your mum is back on track health wise,Kate x x

  4. A gorgeous card Jules and love your green with the gold, it looks really elegant. Don't mention Christmas shopping - not even thought about it yet x

  5. JULES!! Have missed you! We've been like ships that pass in the night!
    Glad Mum is doing better - can you pop along and do my shopping for me too? Not a single thing bought!
    Loving these little minis - hope all is well in the House of Hearts. x

  6. Beautiful set of cards Jules, wonderful elegant design and I love the glitter gold xx

  7. Hi there!...I love these teeny tiny makes Jules....and I know what you mean about being behind on Christmas...it beats me that every year it creeps up n us like we don't have a date for it!!..lol. Rose Gold seems very in at present and you have paired it with that lovely green...a super combination. Take care...I will be in touch ..hugs xx

  8. Looks a bit more like platinum gold to me and if in RL it is anything like the sheets I have used then I can see why they are all falling for it. I think it is more classier than the normal gold glitter card.
    These are really lovely CC's, great background and love the shades of green.

    Kath x

  9. Sweet cards and a very pretty design. Glad to hear your Mum is doing well. Hugs. Carol S.xx

  10. Beautiful cards, Jules, so elegant.

    Sorry to hear that your Mum had a relapse recently, but pleased she is back on track now. xx

  11. Lovely to read your post Jules and see your fabulous cards! Pleased to hear your mum is improving again and good to see you in blogland again.
    Kath x

  12. A gorgeous collection of Chrsitmas cards Jules. Sorry to hear about your Mum but glad that she's back on track again.

    Sue xx

  13. Love this teeny tiny card - pity the popular glitter isn't of the 'non shed' variety but it saves on party makeup!!

  14. What a fab little collection, the sparkle is so pretty and goes perfectly with the background paper. So pleased your Mum recovered quickly from her set back xx

  15. Stunning teeny tiny's Jules! No apologies ever needed, life comes first as does your wedding work. These couples are lucky to have you working on their invites and such! Sorry to hear that your mum had a small set back but happy to hear that she is back on track and finished with her Christmas shopping. Stay well Jules! Hugs, Brenda

  16. It's lovely to see you Jules, such a pretty collection of Christmas cards, the gold glitter card is pretty and goes so well with the ribbon.
    I think I am going to need to get on and do some bulk crafting or I will be buying my Christmas cards this year!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx