Tuesday 8 January 2019


Hi Everyone

Happy Tuesday!  I hope your day has gone well.

We had to revert back to super early alarms in the House of Hearts this morning as it was Mr Heart's first day back at work after the Christmas/New Year break (boo hoo!) - a bit of a shock to the system that's for sure!  So today was my first "home alone" day for over a fortnight .. .. which mean't that I could hit the ground running and make serious headway into that crafty "must do list".  

Part of the list called for a stack of teeny, tiny makes .. .. these are my 3.5" square makes which I love making.  It is surprising how much you can squeeze onto them .. .. and I love that they make use of some of those smaller images that are in my collection which can sometimes look lost on my normal sized cards (not that my normal ones are "that" big).  I personally feel quite uncomfortable working with big cards .. .. for me it is a case of "the smaller the better"  LOL!!.

So here we go with my favourite of today's teeny tiny makes (and I have scheduled a couple more for future weeks) .. .. another tick on the new year's resolution list .. .. schedule posts where possible for the days when there is no time to make something new!!

This used:

Sentiment:  LOTV download "Block Sentiments"
Backing Papers:  GCD Studio "Ella Blue"
First Edition:  Nesting Stamp Dies
Spellbinder Nestabilities:  Scallop Circles and Classic Circles
X-Cut Palm Punch:  Small Daisy
My Trusty Sewing Machine

Lots of other projects worked on today so I am quite chuffed with how today has gone .. .. not very often I say that!

But tomorrow is all about weddings as a few signed proofs dropped through the letterbox today which all need working on.


  1. A lovely card and such beautiful colours too.
    Kath x

  2. It never ceases to amaze me just how much you manage to fit onto your teeny tiny cards and this one is super.

  3. A beautiful Thank you card Jules, hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

    Sue xx

  4. Hi Jules,
    Been scrolling down to see other posts. Aim to be better blogger this year but not busy realll lazy at mo so easy .. love thought of teeny weeny!but as I’m bad at atcs and tags I’m not sure I’d do well at teeny weenies but curiously can think of certain stamp sets for them!!
    Popped over to yank you for starting snippets playground eight years ago. Of course Miss picked up baton ran with it and made it like her loveble self, but you did your grand part in starting it so well done you. And a big thank you hug from summery Downunder,
    Hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  5. It always takes a bit of time to settle back into normal routine after Christmas, I've been feeling a bit all over the place this week!
    I make a lot of 10cm cards which is a similar size and I love them too, this is very sweet
    Anne x

  6. Such a beautiful card Jules, I don't like very big either, and they're more expensive to send ! So glad, that you had a creative day ! Hugs, Enny

  7. Beautifully designed card Jules, lovely muted colours, Kate x x

  8. A teeny tiny masterpiece Jules. I am marvelling at how your stitching, on that teeny tiny circle, is so even...incredible!! xx

  9. Like you Jules, I am not a lover of big cards but I always go for 6"x6" as my favourite. Your card is such a lovely design, I just might have a go smaller myself!! Hugs, Carol S.xx

  10. This is gorgeous! Jules, I've been trying to reach you via your email in your profile, but it doesn't seem to work. I was wondering if you would like to guest for me over at my new challenge? Could you email me from the link on my blog please if you'd like to? Fingers and toes crossed, Jo x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx