Friday 17 May 2019


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday!

After a gorgeous week of sunshine .. ..  today doesn't look quite so exciting on the weather front here in my neck of the woods .. .. .. but hopefully it is going to be exciting on the crafting front!

In fact it needs to be exciting on the crafting front over the next three days because there is a mountain of work to be done before Monday .. .. but thankfully I am excited about every single task on the list!  Not a single boring one anywhere to be seen!!  Yay!!

So I decided I had better get my Christmas card for this week over and done with before everything  else takes hold .. .. and here it is using my very first Penny Black brush style stamp.  Really enjoyed using it and can see some more of this style making their way into my collection.

I am entering my creation into the Winter Wonderland Challenge where the theme is "don't be square" .. .. .. so I have gone for a simple rectangle:

This used:

Image:  Penny Black Slapstick Cling Stamp "40-408" Brush Pines
Sentiment:  Penny Black Clear Stamp Set "30-316" Season's Gifts
Distress Ink:  Tumbled Glass
Dewdrop Memento Ink Pads
Watercolour Brush Pens
Stampendous Frantage:  Chunky White
Gold Metallic Twine
Wooden Button
My Trusty Sewing Machine

I have come to the conclusion that if I don't make something for my blog very first thing in a morning then "it just isn't going to happen".  As proven over the last couple of days.   Must try hard to get a new routine sorted .. .. sigh!!!

Back to the weddings now though, but before I go I would like thank everyone for the messages and good wishes regarding the hospital appointment that Mum and I went to on Tuesday.  All went well thank you!  Some of her tablets have been altered so we will wait and see if that can improve things a little more for her.  It would be good if they did.

Hopefully catch you again soon .. .. but for now that is Christmas card number 27 dropped into the box!  Yippee!!


  1. Hello Jules, much the same weather wise here too, but as long as I get my washing dried I'll be happy.
    Your card is gorgeous, I love this simple but very effective style and the pine image is lovely, beautiful sentiment too.
    Good new about your Mum, have a brill weekend, Kate x

  2. I love this stunning card Jules.

    Sue xx

  3. Gorgeous card Jules, that is one of my favourite PB christmas stamps and it's so useful for quick cards. Glad the appointment went well xx

  4. A beautiful card Jules - I love the stamp you've used.
    Kath x

  5. Oh, what a beautiful card, lovely stamp and so cute with the little heart ! Yesterday was cloudy, today sunshine, but rain is coming... Have a nice weekend ! Enny

  6. Ooooooh, this is lovely!! The watercolour effect together with the golden twine makes for a very grown up card Jules xx

  7. Gorgeous! I especially love the bits of gold.

  8. This is a really great card. Thank you so much for sharing it with us at Winter Wonderland this time. We hope to see you again soon. Christine DT

  9. A beautiful card Jules, I love your stamp and great sentiment.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. Gorgeous!

    Just having a wee catch up on your blog...

  11. Stunning. So classy Jules xx


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx