Sunday 30 June 2019


Hi Everyone

I hope you have all had a good weekend .. .. wasn't it lovely to see some sunshine for a change?

I didn't get quite as much crafty time out in the garden as I would have liked yesterday as I needed to disappear on a good deed mission .. .. but we did manage a couple of hours late afternoon.  

We were hoping it would be nice enough to do the same again today but it has been a bit too breezy .. .. so we did some of the gardening we kept looking at yesterday instead and crafting happened indoors.  Well, I didn't want my coloured images blowing away now did I!!

Anyway .. .. determined not to miss entering the Christmas Kickstart Challenge I needed to get my glitter, sparkle and shine out as that is the theme for this fortnight .. .. and this is what I made:

This used:

Image:  Whipper Snapper "BY802" Let It Snow Snowmen
Sentiment Die:  Memory Box "98680" Merry Christmas
Glitter Card
Crystal Glamour Dust
Peel Off Waste

So that is me for today and Christmas card number 31 goes into the box.  Short and sweet and sparkling and shining .. .. .. as I now have glitter all over my face .. .. again!!!!

Thank you for all your lovely comments on my post of yesterday.  You are all so very kind and understanding.


  1. Wow, I am impressed Jules, 31 Christmas cards. This is so cute. Sue x

  2. As if this exonerates you!!..LOL Love this die, we used it in class last year and you have used it so well as always. I bet your crafty space is so well organised as you always seem to find the right things to use on your projects.
    So now you have 31 more than me...but maybe you have a lot more friends than me! I promise to be in touch real soon my friend . Hugs xx

  3. Me again with a PS...Hold back on the snow please...let the sun shine! xx

  4. Love the little snow people and a very lovely card Jules. Sounds like your weekend was pretty good! Hugs, Carol S.xx

  5. Yes this certainly covers the sparkle and shine - cute row of snow people.

  6. A beautiful card Jules, lots of lovely sparkle and cute snowmen.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  7. Such a lovely card, beautiful glitter and cute snowmen ! I'm glad you could at least enjoy a little while outside, and we are glad that it's cooler now, after a week long heat wave ! Hugs, Enny

  8. I love those gorgeous little snowmen, such a beautiful card Jules.

    Sue xx

  9. A gorgeous card Jules, love the row of very cute little snowmen and the way you've incorporated your heart is fab!
    Lorraine x

  10. Super cute snowmen and love the gold glitter card with the lovely pink. I haven't used that die for quite a while must rectify that.

    Kath x

  11. Love your fabulous card Jules, lots of sparkle and the snowmen are so cute, Kate x

  12. Another beautiful Christmas card, Jules - how nice to have thirty=one cards in your box and it's only July! Thanks for playing at The Christmas Kickstart Challenge again, Jo x

  13. What a gorgeous card. Love the row of snow peeps!! xx

  14. Wonderfully designed & sparkly Christmas Card! So glad you joined the Christmas Kickstart Challenge--Greta, Guest Elf


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx