Friday 12 July 2019


Hi Everyone

Happy Friday .. .. ahead of what is hopefully going to be a good productive weekend.

I am here with a scheduled post as I want today to be a "get your head down and get on with it " kind of day.  If all has gone to plan my day started hours ago with a good old clear up and my "list of things to achieve before Monday" has started reducing already.  It is a very long and unrealistic list that contains some quick missions and others that will take several hours to achieve .. .. but I do love a list and the feeling I get when I cross work off it.  

To be ahead of the game I made today's card last night at "daft o'clock" as I had an idea floating around in my head that I wanted to try.

I called in on our youngest son on my way home from being with Mum yesterday and as often happens he made me a cup of tea and we put the world to rights whilst sharing a few music videos.  It is always dangerous going to my son's home though because I relax "too much".  There is a lovely sense of calm that hits you as soon as you walk through his front door and it is so hard to drag yourself away from it .. .. it is certainly far removed from the atmosphere I create for myself when I am at home.  LOL!!!

My son played one video that showed a band performing behind what I can only assume was a huge muslin sheet strung across the front of the stage.  The lights shining through the fabric, turning the band into muted silhouettes and giving shots of color to the perimeter of the muslin sheet. 

I wondered if I could get a similar effect using stamps, an aperture card and a piece of organza.

Sadly the finished result was nothing like what I had in my mind .. .. .. more experimenting with the organza needed .. .. or perhaps ditch the organza and try vellum?!?!?  But I ended up with something I didn't feel was too bad.  More attempts will follow at some stage as I am already thinking of what I "should have done" instead of what I "actually did".  Yes, definitely thinking vellum might be the way to go!!!

But never mind, life is all about trial and error.  That is how we learn. 

This used:

Image:  Inkylicious "French Rose"
Sentiment:  Penny Black clear stamp set "30-297" Sprinkles and Smiles
Pink Organza (behind the aperture and also tied into a bow and crinkled with a heat tool)
My Trusty Sewing Machine

and that is it.  Quite a short little supply list really .. .. so why is my desk and surrounding floor area looking like I have used every item in my craft pod?!?!?!  Although hopefully by the time this goes live it will all have been cleared away and I will look and feel organised again .. .. for two minutes!!

Have a good and productive day everyone. 


  1. Dear Jules, your card is so beautiful ! The organza in the aperture and as a bow turned out gorgeous ! And how nice, that you could relax for a while at your son's place. Have a nice weekend, and I hope that you can cross lots of things from your list, and have a clear desk again (mine also looks like a bomb fell on it, most of the time...) Hugs, Enny

  2. Great card, lovely idea. Have a great weekend.

  3. A beautiful card Jules, I don't know what you had in your mind but it turned out really delicate and pretty. My cards rarely turn out how I planned them, they sort of evolve into something completely different!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  4. A gorgeous card Jules, I love the frame and the colour you've used.

    Sue xx

  5. It looks good to me Jules, very pretty and a great layout too x

  6. Whatever you did this is truly beautiful Jules. Like you I love a list (so does hubby) but not so when one job crossed off means two are added! No production here still I am pathetic is that. xx

  7. A lovely result and I'm looking forward to seeing further developments - interesting to hear what inspired you to try this. Have a good weekend.

  8. I think that was a very successful project Jules. The stamped image looks so pretty behind the organza screen and I love the crinkly bow. Have a good weekend xx

  9. Classy card Jules, obviously not having seen the video, it looks really fabulous to me, you are probably being too hard on yourself.

    Kath x

  10. Great card again Jules. It's always fun to try something new and looks brilliant to me! Only you know what you were aiming for. Can't wait to see the next chapter. Have a lovely weekend, big hugs, Carol

  11. Well, it looks lovely, even if it didn't turn out like planned. I especially adore that pretty bow.

  12. This is gorgeous Jules, I love the floral image and background. I think the whole design works so well, Kate x


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So with that bit over and done with .. .. thank you for calling by my little part of blogland. I hope that you enjoyed your visit, and if I made you smile at any point then I am well pleased.

Love Jules xx